Saving blue's life

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*Warning blood*

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

The Arcadia sailed away from the burning island, fire bombs and smoke all but covering the once lush and green island.

The inhabitants of the island, the ones who were unable to be rescued, either drowned in the sea surrounding the island, or were killed by ash and magma. It was a very devastating thing for most of the crew members to witness: the poor Brachiosaurus, left for dead, on the only home she had ever known.

John Hammond's dream, the Jurassic Park dream, was gone.


Blue, wasn't inside a cage like the other dinosaurs were. Instead, she was inside the back of a truck, whining and breathing rapidly. Her entire body was trembling, her pupils dilated from pain. She was going into shock.

Her eye darted around frantically, her sides caving in and out rapidly. She flexed one of her paws against her throat, her tail and legs hanging over the side of the table she was strapped to.

She was terrified. She felt as if she were going to die. She was fading in and out of consciousness, a cloth soaked with blood pressed to her bullet wound to try and keep her from bleeding to death.

The dinosaur's paw flexed, clenching and unclenching rapidly.

Zia was pressing both her hands to the animal's bullet wound, blood staining her skin, and the cloth pressed to the Velociraptor's side.

Her brow was furrowed in concentration and concern, as she was worried Blue wouldn't make it back to their destination. She had to make it. She had to.

The boat rocked against the waves of the storm crashing outside, causing the truck to jerk around.

Blue raised her head with a cry of pain, her tail flicking head flopped down again, little groans and whimpers of pain escaping her muzzled jaws.

Her nostrils flared rapidly, the scent of blood overpowering most scents inside and outside of the van. The only thing she could smell was her blood, which was rapidly gushing out of her body.

"It's ok, Blue, just not much longer...." The paleo-veterinarian soothed her gently.

The back of the truckbed silently unzipped.

Owen peeked his head inside, followed by Claire Dearing, and Franklin Webb.

"Oh my gosh! You guys are alive! Y-" Zia whirled her head around to look at them.

Owen pressed a finger to his mouth.

Blue rumbled in pain, twitching.

"Oh no...." The man breathed in dread. "Look what they've done to her..."

He gently placed his hand on Blue's neck, and one on the ridge above her eye.

"Who are these assholes?" Zia asked, still putting pressure on Blue's wound.

"Animal traffickers," Owen responded. "You saw how they treated them out there. They're not gonna take them to a sanctuary, they're gonna sell them."
"Not Blue." Zia and Owen both tried to soothe the twitching Blue. "They need her for something else."

"Like what?" Claire asked, she and Franklin staying farther away from the wild animal.

"I-I don't know, but she-" Blue whined, lifting her head a bit- "she's hemorrhaging! And I don't have the correct instruments to keep her alive!" The young woman stressed.

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