He's my alpha!

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Coming soon badass boss fight!
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(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

"Easy...easy, Blue..." Owen Grady breathed, slowly reaching his sweaty, grime covered, hand out towards her black, leather, headset.
He was slow in his movements, remembering how his former boss, an obese, military-obsessed man named Vic Hoskins, was brutally mauled to death by one of Blue's packmates ( delta probably ) after trying to mimic one of his movements he witnessed when a newer paddock worker fell into the girls' paddock that morning.

Echo, a rough, brown Velociraptor with dark blue striping and markings around her amber eyes stomped her foot and chattered impatiently to her Beta's left. Her face was scarred into a permanent sneer, due to a scar from her upper lip to the top of her muzzle and a permanently offset jaw. She was very rash in her decisions, rather attacking first without knowing if her opponent would harm her. Her fiery temper and bull-headedness was the one reason she was normally in so much trouble. Especially when it came to hunting.

Delta, a pretty, teal female with baby blue around her yellow/gold eyes, which, unlike her packmates', sported rounded pupils, like a gecko's, and the Velociraptor responsible for Hoskins' demise, snapped her tail towards the restless Echo with a hiss to calm her.

The grey and blue Velociraptor ignored them both, keeping her focus on the humans in front of her. Owen's hand touched the button on her headset, which connected the buckles.

With one turn, they snapped, and the irritating black leather slid off the Velociraptor's head. The headset's red light blinked out.

Blue's golden eyes focused on Owen again in bewilderment.

Why did daddy take the headset off? What in the world was that all about? Did he truly care about them, unlike what the white alpha told them? That humans were untrustworthy, selfish brutes who only cared for themselves?

A haunting, banshee-like roar snapped Blue out of her stupor.

She and her two siblings whirled around to face a large, white dinosaur with jagged teeth sticking out from her jaws, bullet wounds and bits of glass protruding from her flank, and terrifying crimson red eyes, almost demon-like, that drilled into their souls with one look. The humans knew, and called her, by the name Indominus Rex, while the Velociraptors knew her as the "white alpha".

She smelled of Velociraptor, yet she wasn't Velociraptor. She barked twice, claws wriggling in agitation and confusion. She couldn't understand why they hadn't destroyed the few humans they cornered. She knew what they were like. They knew what the humans were like.

Blue slowly turned her head around to look back at the man who raised her. She blinked before bobbing her head, clicking her teeth, soft enough so the smoky white dinosaur behind her wouldn't hear.

A small smirk tugged at the human's face. He'd won his girl back.

With a ferocious cry, the young female craned her head around to face the Indominus Rex, eyes squinted dangerously.

The hybrid roared in fury, shocked at how defiant Blue had become towards her.

With a mighty swing of the large hybrid's paw, the Velociraptor was flung into the outer wall of the Starbucks coffee shop with a loud cry. Several, dark green tables and chairs scattered as the 200 pound body crashed into them.

Blue was in trouble......or was she?


If only alpha rex was trained sooner, because humans can't blame a animal for following instinct.

They should have seriously started with a plant eater

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