A evil plot unfolds

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Someone please help me, I don't have a life lol

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

( 3 years later)

Located in a remote area or Northern California, located deep within a vast forest, resided Lockwood Manor. A huge mansion that billionaire Benjamin Lockwood resided with his maid, Iris Carroll, and his nine year old granddaughter, Maisie.

Along with them was Elijah, "Eli", Mills, who had been employed by Lockwood to be entrusted with the mansion, as the old man was growing sicker. But there was something he kept secret below the entire household, deep within the old laboratory Lockwood and John Hammond used to resurrect the first dinosaur for Jurassic Park in the mid to late 1980s: a project called Operation: Fighter Jet. The project went underway with the developmental stages of Velociraptor DNA they had leftover from the I.B.R.I.S. Project Velociraptors. However, Mills had hired some InGen mercenaries in early March to to return to Isla Nublar, and retrieve something that had been lost deep in the Mosasaurus Lagoon for months: DNA from the Indominus Rex.

That creature's DNA, as well as the multiple vials of Velociraptor blood samples, would form the creature of nightmares. A perfect biological weapon of the modern age.

Mills was sitting at a computer, observing the way Owen Grady acted with an infant Blue in a video playing on it, inside a laboratory, the bright blue lights making everything take on a blue hue. The laboratory for Operation: Indoraptor.

"Have you sent out the team, Mr. Mills?" An impatient voice asked from behind.

The businessman stood from his seat to turn around, facing the former InGen geneticist in front of him. "Be patient, Henry," he responded bitterly. "They're getting everything they need together to return to the island. Relax. We'll get the DNA. Anything in the bottom of that tank would be dead at this point."

The shorter lab, Mr. Henry Wu, the former head geneticist of InGen, nodded. "We need this project to go underway, Mills. That raptor on the island-"

"Will be taken care of in a few months. I'm sending a special team of mercenaries out there for her," the taller man responded, walking passed him to view a digital map of Isla Nublar.

"The raptor must be brought here in good health, Mills," Mr. Wu instructed, following after him. "The strands of DNA of the creature are merely in a prototype stage with the DNA we already have."

I am aware, Henry," Mills grumbled. "We'll focus on retrieving the DNA of the Indominus Rex first. Then, we'll get the raptor. Are you happy with that?" He snapped, raising his voice a tad bit.

"Don't you think that I'm not stressed about this project, too?" Mr. Wu demanded, growing angry. This operation is barely underway, and your team still hasn't gone out to the island!"

"Calm down, Henry! We'll get the DNA. We'll get the raptor. Understand?!" Mills roared, glaring at the shorter man in front of him.

Mr. Wu simply shook his head. "You don't understand. Do you?"

"What do I not understand?!" Mills threw up his hands in frustration.

"You have no idea...do you?" The former geneticist shook his head. "Ever since I was found guilty of bioethical misconduct and stripped of all my credentials, I was still going over what I had used to create that raptor. And I found traces of something you should know about. And why she's vital to this project. And more."

To the geneticist's slight surprise, Mills turned around slowly, a spark of deadly interest clear in his eyes and on the half grin he wore on his face. "Go on..."


Decided to continue to the next movie. Fallen kingdom let's see readers how will this turn out.

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