Chapter 30

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🐱Chat Blanc's POV🐱

Once I was akumatized, I went over to the girl's house who broke my heart. Necessarily, it wasn't her fault that her father destined for us to fall apart, but this will be my way of getting revenge anyways.

I reached her rooftop balcony, seeing that Y/N was no where in sight. I chuckle to myself, and make my way downstairs, and at this lack of light, I used my eyes to guide me around using their aura. I see D/N (dad's name) sitting downstairs watching tv with Marinette's parents. I heard a gasp from behind me, and swiftly turned around.

Seeing that it was Y/N in her regular pajamas, I only grin wider. I make sure to make my steps slow and frightening, going for the parents first. I find some cables and tie them all together from behind. A tear slips out of my eye, running down my cheek. But I had no reason to cry. This is what they deserve.

🐾Y/N's POV🐾

"Oh Bandit, I knew deep in my gut it would be a bad idea for my dad to meet Chat.. he hasn't seen me for years and now he knows I have a boyfriend! It must've clicked something inside of him. Now Chat is akumatized. Come on, let's do something about that!" I whispered to Bandit as she nodded back in reply. She smiled at me, causing me to smile back. "Bandit, paws up!" I said, causing Bandit to fly into my necklace turning me into the Well-known superhero of Paris.

I stumble out of the closet I was hiding in, looking for Chat Blanc. It hurt my heart to know that my love, partner and friend was akumatized because of something I did. I knew in the end, though, that everything would be okay once I turn it back to normal again.

I round a corner to see that my dad, Tom and Sabine were all tied up in the kitchen room waiting to be set free. "Oh my god! Ma'am, what happened?" I asked Sabine, who was the only one who did not have their mouth taped with duck tape. She sat there, shocked, not saying a word.

"Oh m'lady, did you really think that one of my minions would tell you where I was and what I did to them? Please, think again." I turn around seeing the villain I was looking for. I sighed, and tried to make this poor building not destroyed. "Hey Chat Blanc, why don't we take the fight outside first?"

Chat Blanc chuckled in reply. "Wherever you want me to take your miraculous is fine with me." He said, grabbing me by my katana and pulling me outside. "Oh come on Kitaroo, you aren't going to make this fight hard at all? Show a little effort at least!" He laughed again, and at this point I had tears in my eyes. "Chat Blanc, I don't want to fight you! Please, if Chat Noir is still in there, could you please just reason with me and give up your akuma?" I tried my best to sound convincing, and not like I could fall apart at any moment.

"Oh of course Crauloia, I'll give up my akuma right away!" Chat Blanc said sarcastically, trying to mock my voice in the process. "I'm not going to stop anytime until I have your miraculous. Then, I'll give it to Hawkmoth and he will finally win. There will be no one left to defend Paris after I'm done with you!" Chat Blanc shouted, causing some Parisians to look our way. Trying to save Paris once again, I shout to them also. "Everyone evacuate this area at once! Stay inside and don't look out!"

In the mob of people, I saw Alya there recording for her blog. Quickly, I side kicked Chat Blanc in the stomach and I hear him wince. "Sorry baby boy..." I whisper to myself running in the direction of Alya's stance.

"Hey there, it's... Alya right? You run that blog." Alya looked incredibly happy, like this moment was the best day of her life. I picked her up and she held on to me. I took out my katana and swung to the Louve. "Stay here Alya! This is not safe for you to just be in the middle of the fight. I fight for your safety, and I'm not putting that to waste." I said, trying my best to comfort Alya. "I- You-... Yes that will do Crauloia!" Alya said back, stammering. I nodded at her smiling showing my confidence.

I swung away, looking around for Chat Blanc again. "Looking for me, Kitaroo? Aw, I'm so honored! Please, allow me.." I heard a voice from behind me say. I sigh, knowing that it's the same boy that I have to fight. I heard him behind me starting to make a punch happen, so I ducked, turned around and knocked him off his feet. 

He jumped up again, smiling. We continued to fight like this, while talking. "You know, m'lady, they say that curiosity killed the cat! So I guess that means I just wondered what t was like to see you suffer!" He said, laughing once again. While laughing, I saw his bell jingle.

Of course! Hawkmoth wouldn't take the risk of losing a miraculous. He put the akuma in the bell instead. I just have to get it and this fight will be over.

We continued to hit each other here and there, and I finally landed a punch in the shoulder. He whimpered, and I knocked him down so his back would be touching the cold floor. I sat on his chest, pinning him down completely. I reached for the bell, but his hand clamped down on my arm. "Woah there Kitaroo, did you really think that you would win this battle?" Chat Blanc said trying to intimidate me.

He pulled me down, my lips against his. I tried to pull away, but he had both my shoulders down along with my left arm. Leaving my right arm free, I decided to use it. While he was using both hands on my arms and his eyes closed, I snatched his bell off of his costume and breaking it with my right hand. I pulled away from the kiss while Chat Blanc turned back to Chat Noir. "Its good to see you again." I greeted Chat Noir with.

I got up and untied my katana from my waist. After purifying the akuma back into a butterfly, I throw up my katana in the air turning everything back to normal.

I helped Chat Noir back up and pecked him on the cheek. "I'm so glad that you aren't like, evil, again." Chat stammered back a reply, taking my hand in his. He looked around, and I giggled from beside him.

"So Uh Crauloia, what exactly happened?"

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