Chapter 31

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                            🐾Y/N's POV🐾

I motioned for him to sit on the edge of the building with me, and he obeyed. Smiling at me, he put his arm around my shoulder which made me blush slightly.

I giggled at him, making him smile at me even more. "Well Kitty," I started, "You got akumatized... into this weird white cat and you called yourself Chat Blanc." I looked down at my feet, frowning. "Wow.. Kitaroo, I could never imagine hurting you! You are the love of my life after all." I smile at him and get up from sitting. "We should probably go Chat. I'm about to detransform. I'll see you around Kitty!" I said, swinging away with my katana.

Once I got back in my house, I went downstairs to go and confront my father again. Looking around, I saw many things, which of those not including my father. Around the house, Sabine and Tom were running the bakery. Sabine helping customers, and Tom in the back working on more pastries. Not wanting to disturb either of them, I went back up to my bedroom to rest.

I was about to go to sleep when I heard a loud banging noise from my rooftop balcony. Climbing up the ladder, I spoke. "Hello? Is anyone there? Can I help you?" It probably wasn't the best idea asking a ghost more than three questions at once, most of my words random mumbling about what could happen. Anxiety could really get the best of me sometimes.

Looking from my ladder, I saw that it was only my dad. Wait, why was my dad just chilling on my balcony? He was just sitting on the edge, being rebellious. "Oh dad, it's just you! What are you doing up here?" I asked him, but he was still not responding. Finally, he stood up and I could tell that tears were dripping down his face. "Y/N... I'm sorry" cocking my head to one side like a dog, I responded, confused. "What? You're sorry about what? Dad, what did you do now? Please tell me that no one is hurt.."

He looked at me one last time with a heated red face, tears staining his skin along with new ones waiting to come join. Crossing my arms, I guess I went in my mom mode. "Hey Dad, you know that this is dangerous. You should really come back over here where you couldn't accidentally fall off the railing." He turned back, ignoring my whole lecture. "Dad! Did I-" I started to say and I witnessed my father choosing to jump off.

"DAD!" helpless, I stumble backwards covering up my face with my hands. He lied about it the first time, but now, if I looked over my railing onto the pavement, I would see my fathers corpse laying in a pool of his own blood. The worst part about it was that it could have been for any reason. I probably was the reason... overthinking, everything started to go black. I heard Bandit fly out of my pocked shouting things at me. There was nothing I could do, now all I could see was a black void, and all I could hear was static.

🦝Bandit's POV🦝

Oh no no no... my poor miraculous holder! There was countless Crauloia's before Y/N, but they all lived happy and cheerful lives. As a raccoon, master Fu said that we are known for stealing happiness from people, which actually caused black cats to be bad luck. And that's why raccoons have black masks. A reminder of what we stole from.

Anyways, poor Y/N hut witnessed her own dad jump off a building, for real this time, and she thinks it was all her fault. Clearly, it wasn't. Y/N is such a sweetheart. Not to mention that she has saved lives, and cheered others up. In and out of costume. She could make a bad guy good if she needed to. After witnessing this, she immediately fainted on the spot. With no explanation, I couldn't go to doctors for help. And not to mention that Master Fu was too far away for me to be able to get there on my own.

I'm not able to say Y/N's name and no one is able to know that I'm a kwami and that Y/N has a miraculous. My best shot would probably be to go find and get Chat Noir and his kwami, Plagg. After their reveal I already knew who Adrien was. It was too bad that Y/N would always friend zone him though. He really was a nice guy.

Back to importance, I started my journey to the Agreste Mansion where I should find Adrien at.

🧀Plagg's POV🧀

"ADRIEN!!! we're almost out of Camembertttttt could you get some more?" I shouted to Adrien while he was working on something. "Alright Plagg, I will just give me some minutes to finish this up, Alright?" I sigh at him, knowing that this would take a while. Sitting back down, I see a kwami fly through Adrien's window.

"Ah Bandit! It's nice of you to drop in. What seems to be the problem?" I asked in my most romantic voice. "You need to help Y/N! She passed out and I couldn't wake her up! Could you please take her to the hospital? She needs it!"

I saw Adrien swing out of his chair at the mention of Y/N's name, but I turned out to be pretty serious too. "Well what made her faint? And, is she still fine at the moment?" Adrien asked in a concerned tone. Bandit looked down, hesitant at first. She nodded, and we both nodded back in a way to say 'phew'.

Flying over to Adrien, I was actually ready to transform for once. I looked from Adrien to Bandit, knowing that this won't be a pretty sight if Bandit has to come and get someone else and can't solve the problem on her own. "Okay Plagg, Claws out!"

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