Chapter 2

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🐾Y/N's POV🐾

As I sat done we started off our conversation. "So, Y/N, tell us a little about yourself." I always get this question, so it was really easy to answer it for Sabine. "Well, when I was about 7 I first started modeling for my mother's designs. Sadly, my mother died when I was at age 10. So I started designing myself." I saw shocked faces from both Tom and Sabine. "Aw, I'm so sorry!" "It's fine, her spirit will forever be with us, anyways." Tom suddenly realized that he cut me off and apologized. "Sorry Y/N, continue with what you were saying."

"Well, when I was growing up even more, my Father killed himself by jumping off a bridge, so that left us with my older sister, who was 20, to take care of us. She took a job to support us better and did a overall good job taking care of us. Now, in high school back in America, the students in my class thought I was the right person to get sent here in Paris!" And who wouldn't love to be in Paris? " and what about you guys? What's your story?"

Tom and Sabine explained why they wanted to be bakers and how they met and eventually got married. They told me about their daughter Marinette, who everyone called Mari for short. I tried to keep the conversation going, but my best friend F/N kept texting me about Paris. I couldn't do it anymore. "May I be excused?" I asked. "oh of course! The bathroom is down the hallway your first left. "Thank you!" Finally, I ended up calling F/N to stop the spamming.

Hey Y/N! Guess what I just found out!

What is it F/N? I'm kind of in the middle of something, right now.

I promise! This will surprise you, but in a good way, of course!

Fine.. what is it?

Okay okay, so turns out, almost every day some weird super villains come into Paris and super heroes stop them! Isn't that so cool?

Why is F/N always trying to joke around when I need to get important things done?

Are you joking again? Or what are you trying to do?

No no! I'm serious! There's real footage of them fighting and stuff! Just ask the people that where talking to your, or whatever.

Fine. I'll see what I can do. Bye F/N!

Bye Y/N!

I hang up, I don't even know what F/N was trying to make me think about. That kid is never up to any good anyways so this couldn't be much better. I decided to test my luck anyways. "Hey um.. Tom? Sabine? Could I ask you guys a quick question? And please don't think I'm dumb from this." I just really hope that this turns out true so I don't look like a idiot. "Well what is it Y/N?" Answered Sabine. "Are there any um.. superheroes around here that save Paris like every day?" This is such a dumb question to ask them on the first day I met them. "I know it might seem unreal, but yes there is! Two for that matter. They call themselves Chat Noir and Ladybug. They save Paris almost every day." At least I didn't look like a complete fool from that question. "Oh okay! Thanks for telling me" it was getting really late out, so I decided it was about the right time to go out for my daily midnight stroll.

🐱Chat Noir's POV🐱
I was just sitting on a rooftop waiting for Ladybug to join me on our night patrols, when a see a young girl walking around, alone. I jumped down to introduce myself to her.... and why not flirt for that matter. "Hey there! I'm Chat Noir, heard of me?" She looked puzzled at me "Your that superhero right? Sorry I don't know much I just moved here.." I decided it was about time to put down a card. "Hey, I think I know you too, actually." She looked up and me with sparkling E/C eyes. "You do? How though?" It's was time. "Your that young lady who has parents that are robbers! Yeah definitely, that's where I know you from!" She looked confused and I knew she would be an easy one to charm, well I think. "n-no.. I think you got the wrong girl.. I'm sorry.." Let's lay this one down real nicely. "Of course they are. They stole everything beautiful and put it into one person, you." I gave her my smirk while I watched her bury her face into her shirt. "Wow Chat Noir, your quite the charmer, aren't you?" She had the cutest giggle I've ever heard. "Oh! Sorry Chat Noir, I forgot to mention this. My name is Y/N!" We shook hands and I promised her I'd see her again soon. "if you like, Y/N, I could take you home. Just tell me where and your wish is my command." I winked at her and I saw red creeping up her cheeks, then she smiled that cute smile. " I'd love that! Thanks!"

So I picked her up so she could sit on my back while I jumped across buildings. When we finally got there, I dropped her off and I kissed her hand, because yeah, I'm such a gentleman.

I ran back home, since Ladybug wasn't going to show up anyways, and everything seemed to be fine, so I detransformed. "Plagg, what do you think Ladybug could possibly be doing right now that is more important than making sure that Paris is safe?" I asked my kwami. "Well I don't know, doesn't she like, always show up? Maybe she doesn't want to be Ladybug anymore, or maybe she can't be Ladybug anymore." I jolt up. "Plagg! Don't be so negative!" He gives me a look "I'm literally the kwami of destruction." I lay back down. "But Plagg.. what if you're right?"

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