Chapter 39

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🐾Your POV🐾

Soon after, Adrien fell asleep along with Bandit and Plagg who were snuggled up together. I pulled out a new notebook and got a pencil. I was going to make a plan, I didn't want to go too deep into detail, though. If anyone ever found this then all of our secrets would be revealed. Deep in thought, I was quickly snapped out of it by a door opening and closing downstairs. I quickly rushed down there to greet Tom and Sabine.

"Hey guys! It's great to see you're back!" I said to them, holding up a friendly hand, waving of course. Tom sighed and Sabine spoke up. "I don't want to hear it. We know who you really are, Y/N. I don't want you in this house. Pack up and get out at once. I hope I never see you again in Paris. I gasped. "Wha-What?" I asked them, with tears forming in my eyes. I looked at Tom, who had his arms crossed and he nodded. "Please, just shut up and go get your useless stuff." I nodded and walked back upstairs.

Now with tears streaming down my face, I opened the door to my room. I saw that Adrien was up and I went to hug him. "Get off of me you rat! Why would you do such a thing?" He grabbed Plagg and went out the door. He slammed it and I fell to my knees. I looked around for Bandit, but she was nowhere to be found. I called out for her too, but there was no reply. I looked down and saw I didn't even have my necklace in at all.

I looked in front of me, and the tv was on the news channel. I don't remember having one, but that wasn't the point. I watched in horror as the news reporter was talking.

"Just in, we are all in grief as we all lost the heroine of Paris. Many witnesses saw today, a 16 year old girl pushed Ladybug off a building and let her fall to her death. Her name was
Y/N L/N. We will make sure to find her and have her arrested at once."

It hit me. We could've saved Ladybug. We could've fixed her. This was my doing. If only I wasn't so selfish! She chose to come back and I sent her away again. I was so selfish! Why could I?! Why don't I just give up my miraculous. I'm such a terrible perso-

"Y/N!" I heard Adrien yell as he shook me and woke me up. Woke me up. That was just all a dream. I saw the two kwamis floating and was watching me in concern. "N/N, I was so worried. You fell asleep and started crying. You started to whisper the word 'why' over and over too. What happen?" Adrien asked me and put his hand on my shoulder to assure me. "I would rather not talk about it.." I said, in a quiet voice. "Come on, we should get to school. We have a busy night ahead of us." Adrien said, with a smile on his face. I nodded.

I put on a grey sweat shirt with black sleeves and a black pocket area. I also put on striped white and black leggings. I put my hair up and packed my backpack, putting in the same notebook I had in my dream. I slipped on my black combat boots and headed out the door with Adrien. Bandit was in my sweatshirt pocket nibbling on a Oreo. Plagg was inside Adrien's jacket silently complaining.

We got to school and Alya and Nino were waiting for us. We got to our first class, which was physics. This was going to be a long day.

                          ~Time Skip~

After school was over, I transformed with Adrien and went to meet up with the others I brought the notebook with me and a pen for a plan. Soon enough, we met up at the Eiffel Tower and stood in a circle. I spoke up as soon as we were all situated. "Hey guys, so first of all-" I was cut off by a sound of crashing from the Louve. "Akuma attack." Queen Bee said as we all looked. I sighed, and pointed at Chat. "Kitten, take this. You, Rena, and Carapace work on a plan. Queen Bee, come with me. This won't take long." They nodded and Queen Bee and I went to the source of the attack.

"My name is Masterpiece! I am here to take your miraculouses! Hand them over now, or I will take them from you!" This akumatized victim, Masterpiece, said to us. I rolled my eyes and tried to kick him in the chest. When I tried to, the guy turned to paint and fell into a splatter on the floor. "What the.." I whispered to myself and nodded at Queen Bee. "Venom!" She shouted. "Wait here real quick!" I said to her as I ran into the Louve. I found an untouched canvas and grabbed it. I ran back outside to see there was still a puddle.

I dipped my finger in the paint and started to paint on the canvas. I heard a groan from the puddle and it formed back into a person. Queen Bee hit them with her spinning top and he froze. I looked at him up and down, looking for the item. "Hey Crauloia, I'm about to detransform. Do you maybe have any food?" I reached into the same bag that the notebook and pen was in, and pulled out a pack of Oreos. "Don't let her have them all, though. My kwami will need some too. She ran off and I heard her say the words 'Buzz off' and she was Chloe again.

I saw a small paintbrush clutched in the villains left hand and I took it and broke it in half. A black butterfly flew out and I cut it in half with my katana turning it white. It flew off and I threw my katana in the air to turn everything back to normal. Queen Bee came back behind me asking "What did I miss?" I signaled for her to follow me back to the Eiffel Tower and to see what the team came up for a plan.

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