Chapter Forty Eight

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Chapter Forty Eight


"It's go time," Jordyn smirked, as Lillian did the same.

"How are we even going to get to them? There's probably security everywhere." Lillian explained, as she began to have doubt in the plan.

"We'll find a way," Jordyn spoke confidently. Lillian sighed. She had faith in her best friend, although she did not know how well this would work out.

Once 5 Seconds of Summer exited the stage, there was a small break before One Direction would be performing. This gave Lillian and Jordyn a decent amount of time to find Luke, as well as the others, and if she was being honest she did not care if she missed some of One Direction's set. Finding Luke was more important.

As the two left their seats, they quickly made their way out of the arena, and into the entrance that consisted of many merchandise tables and fans scattered around.

"There has to be some kind of hallway that leads to backstage," Jordyn mumbled. "I've tried sneaking into many dressing rooms before. This shouldn't be too hard."

Lillian rolled her eyes. "Of course you have."

"Just trust me! I haven't been to this specific arena before, but I think I know what I'm doing,"

"You think?" Lillian laughed.

"Shut up," Jordyn groaned. "Just follow me."

Jordyn eyes scanned the room intensely, focusing on the curtain behind the merchandise tables. There was a trash can next to it, which she slowly walked over to, as if she was throwing something away.

"Aha!" she whisper yelled, motioning for Lillian to follow. Behind the curtain was a door that stated employees only, on the black sign with large white letters. The door was cracked open, and from the spot they were standing in, the two of them could clearly see that behind the cracked door, there was a long hallway.

"See? Easier than I thought," Jordyn laughed. "We just have to get back there without anyone spotting us,"

"Duck down, behind the trash can," Lillian instructed. Jordyn did as told. "From where I am, I can't even see you. Crawl through the door."

As Jordyn followed Lillian's instructions, she laughed. "I've taught you so well!"

"Shut up, make jokes later. We have shit to do," Lillian said in a serious tone.

She kept her attention on the room before her, hoping that nobody noticed her. She was wearing a One Direction tee shirt, and was pretending to look at her phone, so hopefully she blended in perfectly.

"Okay, come on!" Jordyn whisper yelled as she was safely through the door.

With one last look around the room to make sure nobody saw what she was doing, Lillian ducked down and repeated Jordyn's actions. Once safely inside the hidden hallway, she stood up, meeting her best friend's height.

"We're in!" Jordyn clapped.

"Shh," Lillian whispered. "Someone might hear us!"

"Come on," Jordyn whispered, rolling her eyes. Even if they did get caught, they would be okay because Lillian's sneaky best friend knew how to get out of any situation.

The two roamed the halls quietly, though at times it felt as if a guard would come out at any given second- which would most likely lead to Lillian and Jordyn getting thrown out of the venue, securing the fact that Lillian would never get this chance again. Although Jordyn did know how to get herself out of most tricky situations, Lillian did not think this would be one of those circumstances- if they were to get caught.

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