The plan pt.2

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I was in the casino with dantae getting to know him and he's actually the funniest sweetest guy ever. I'm not ready to get back in a relationship but he's a very cool guy to be around. He told me how beautiful I looked and even tho what I was wearing wasn't that cute he made me feel like I'm the prettiest girl walking

He was  actually so handsome and we was having a conversation when Eli texted me he asked me what was my relationship with him and I told him "old stuff" and left the conversation alone I looked to see what Ej texted me

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He was  actually so handsome and we was having a conversation when Eli texted me he asked me what was my relationship with him and I told him "old stuff" and left the conversation alone I looked to see what Ej texted me

Ej🥳: they in the room go in

Me: and say what? Like how am I supposed to act?

Ej🥳: just act cool,act like you in on everything they say or do

Me:ok I'm going in now

I looked at dantae who was looking around the casino and I told him I had to go he smiled that smile....that smile got a spark to it that made me wanna smile I smiled back he said "okay be safe" and hugged me dantae didn't seem like the type to be in a gang but I guess looks can be deceiving. When I went in the room everyone was looking at me Jada had a smirk on her face as she looked like she had something to say but she introduced me to everyone and I told her that willie texted me which he did that's how we knew that they would be here Jada and willie had a few words as he choked her up she looked hurt and like she wanted to cry, I didn't feel any sympathy for her as I smirked at her,her face changed up and she caught on before she could open her mouth sky,Ej, crystal, jay,& dantae came in they didn't pull out guns or nothing, they just sat down willie laughed and said "so bitch you with them?" And he looked me in my eyes..I couldn't read them they were like death. I didn't answer and he pulled out his gun "ANSWER ME BITCH" he yelled I was scared but I didn't show it Jada stood up and walked up to me..I been wanting to beat her ass so as soon as she walked up I punched her dead in her nose. It started bleeding she fell to the ground and I took my heels off. Willie let off a shot as I ducked and Ej started shooting back. Everybody in the casino was running and screaming because of the shots let off. I ran out the room because I wasn't allowed to have a gun since I couldn't learn right away I just had my fists. Running into the bathroom Jada followed after me.we stand  face to face I tried to swing on her but she dogged it and pulled out her gun. I got scared and she smirked at me "oh you scared now bitch?" She asked I smirked because sky had snook in the bathroom and was standing behind her Jada smirk went away and she said "what's so funny?" And I said "that you about to die" as soon as I said that sky shot her I smiled and went to hug her I was so scared I let go of her and she looked down to see blood her smile faded I looked down and panicked as I fell to the floor I was hit in my stomach.

I had some of the guys that followed us here come get willie ass ,as he tried to escape I shot his ass in the leg. Everybody he was with was scary as hell and ran. watching them carry willie to the van sky walked up to me crying with blood over her I looked and said "what the fuck happened where Brittany?" The look on her face told me everything brittany was shot ...I started tryna get my girlfriend and everybody out the building I had my right hand man Jay take sky out the building. Sky turned around and said "she's in the bathroom" I went and saw her laying there hardly breathing. I picked her up and carried her to the car to take her to the hospital.

I was crying in jay arms as he held on to me. I accidentally shot my Bestfriend being trigger happy. "I should've just hit her with the gun it's my fault" I said crying jay kissed my head "it's not don't blame yourself she's going to be okay you saved her from actually being dead" he said I sniffled "but she got hurt in the process" I was really hurt she's been my Bestfriend since 4th grade and we are graduated now I chose not to go to prom and stuff because Brittany was in the coma. My birthday coming up and need my Bestfriend. seeing  her lay on the floor I told her I'll be back and I went to get Ej. Ej took her to the hospital and she was sleep when I went to see her.. she's fine but the doctors say the bullet her cervix and she might not be able to have kids. I ruined her life. I don't think she will ever want to talk to me again. After leaving the hospital I cried on jay for almost a hour. I blame myself for hurting my Bestfriend and now I may not never have the chance to call her kids my god babies. Ej stayed in the hospital with her and crystal got mad and broke up with him. I think she was using him for his money but she claim she broke up with him because he still have feeling for Brittany. My Bestfriend go remain in my life so she go always be around Ej, girls just insecure and can't trust their man enough. But hey Brittany is Ej first love actually and they go always find their way back to each other.

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