Chapter 11

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Sussie's face lit up when she saw Jess enter the recording studio. She was glowing with pride as she went closer to her and hugged her tightly.

I am so proud of your performance during the awards night, you were awesome back there, and I cannot help but wept of how beautifully you and Rick delivered each lyric. It blew my mind away!" she exclaimed exaggerating her words again. 

Jess smiled awkwardly as she uttered, "Thank you".

She dropped by the recording studio because she had papers she needed to submit, but she was not expecting everyone to offer their warm smiles and congratulations to her. She made headlines due to the unsuspecting duo.

Alexander went into the room, cutting her thoughts short. His animated presence was hard to miss and with all his might he announced loudly.

"Ahhhh... We have been blessed by such a lovely presence today! The beaming star of the current time Jess Lynn!" he winked, announcing it like he was a talk show host.

Everyone clapped their hands and offered smiles as their attention fell on her.

She blushed even more. She's never going to get used to this attention.

"I think we need to come up with a suitable title for her Sussie" Alexander mentioned while his eyes squinted up in the air like he was imagining it then he added "Whatever name that best describes her talent that can capture the general public," he commanded.

Sussie were all nods as she took notes of Alexander's instruction. He smiled at everyone and ushered them to get back to work.

He then led Jess to his office as he momentarily closed the door behind. He sat on his swivel chair as he handed her his tab.

Curious, Jess took it and was astonished to see her face as Rick's lips were on her. This was the infamous kiss during their performance, she was beyond embarrassed. The article says "Mysterious new female singer captured the elusive heart of Rick Reed" she gulped.

They have misinterpreted! It was on the cheek though, a friendly gesture. She reasoned out internally.

"This article is implying that something is going on with Rick and I..." she stated the obvious.

Alexander smirked. "Yes, and that is good..." he stated oblivious of her blush.

Jess's eyes stared at Alexander in disbelief. "But that is not true..." she said.

"We know that, but the public sees it differently. The reason why I showed you this is for you to be aware of how people perceive you now. The performance was beautiful but that is just the beginning for you. If you want to thrive in this industry, you must work harder and be better. While lingering on the mystery that you are with Rick can help you get to the top sooner, Alexander explained.

Jess listened intently as she tried to digest his words carefully. She understood his words, but her heart was denying his logic.

This is not about publicity; this is about creating music and being able to make a difference. She thought to herself.

"How is Rick handling this?" she asked instead.

Alexander smiled in her direction "he was up for it." he stated.

Shocked displayed on her face she tried to confirm if she heard him right.

He laughed.

"So, what exactly are you trying to tell me Mr. Miller?" she asked, cutting to the chase.

He inhaled deeply. "We need to ride along with the people's thoughts about you and Rick, it might not be true yet, but you must keep the audience guessing so they will continue to look up to you. You are undeniably a talented woman Jess no doubt about that, but you must understand that there are tons of talented people out there too. The competition is stiff" he stated bluntly.

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