Chapter 19

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"What are you doing here on my floor Shaun?" She asked. She then stepped out of the elevator and panic registered in her eyes.

"Did you confront Rick? Did you guys fight?" She asked.

Shaun was not aware that Rick and Jess were on the same floor, whoever made their room arrangements sucked at their job. He thought.

"I was waiting for you" he lied.

Jess then sighed a breath of relief. She thought there was another altercation that happened between the two earlier.

"Sorry if I took a while, I was on the beachfront earlier and it was helpful, I could think of what our song inspiration could be. Would you like to hear it?" she asked as she tried to share her ideas before she forgot them.

"Sure, let's hear it out. Can we stay in your room instead? I need peace as well, the lobby is just too noisy" he added when he noticed Jess made a questionable look.

Jess momentarily contemplated on his ask but nodded eventually. She opened her hotel door and ushered Shaun in.

Shaun settled on the couch as Jess took a cold drink in the cooler, she then offered it to him which he readily took and drank.

Jess pulled her laptop and placed it on the table as she squatted on the carpet without care. Shaun remembered this side of Jess when she got excited and ready to share her ideas, she normally doesn't mind about poise anymore. He's glad that she still has this side of her. He then moved towards her and squatted beside Jess as he tried to hide his smile.

"So, what's this big idea?" He asked.

"Well, I just thought that since the song somewhat represents the two of us, maybe we can start with what we desire, our fears, and what keeps us going" she pitched in.

He nodded. "I think that's a good place to start, but I am also thinking from a creative writing perspective that we need to tell a story through our lyrics. So maybe our collaboration would fall in the chorus on how both of us pursue music even though we started it for different reasons perhaps." He added.

Jess smiled "I like that, we can tell our story both in our perspective for every stanza, you can take on the first part then I can answer it in the second part then we can work our way to the chorus." She uttered agreeing with Shaun.

"Good, we can create a draft of our lyrics right now. So do you have a thought on the melody we want to use?" He asked.

"Since you are more experienced regarding that part, I will follow your lead but I want this to be a little bit slow pace so we don't put more on the production, I want this to be just acoustic, simple melody so we can showcase our storytelling." She spoke as she imagined the visuals of their production.

Shaun was astonished at how innocent Jess looked at that moment, he knew even before when they were younger how creative she could get but seeing it in the flesh and being able to bounce ideas with her was a big revelation for him. She's undeniably brilliant.

He smiled widely at the thought. "I am glad you are my partner" he stated with conviction.

Jess gulped, feeling a lump in her throat. Having that exchange of ideas with Shaun earlier seems like a natural thing to do. She was also surprised by how quickly their minds synched with what they wanted to accomplish.

She smiled. "I will only say this once, but me too. I like this partnership"

Shaun stared at her briefly as the words crept in and warmed his heart.

He was about to say more when he intentionally stopped himself. He does not want to ruin this moment with Jess so he retreats in silence and allows the moment to linger.

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