Chapter 31: Shattered Illusion

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Jess was carefully peeling an apple, the sweet smell of fresh flowers in the air, reminding her of springtime—dew on the grass and bright blooms. Her eyes occasionally glanced at her mother, Kris, who sat quietly next to her.

"I'm glad you came to visit," Kris said softly.

Jess smiled and handed her mother the plate with the freshly peeled apple. "How are you feeling?" she asked, noticing the tiredness in Kris's eyes.

Kris sighed. "Some days I feel better, but most days, I'm really tired. Breathing is hard too." Her voice was weary.

Jess wrapped her arms around Kris in a comforting hug. "Hang in there, Mom," she said gently.

Kris squeezed Jess's arms and closed her eyes for a moment to enjoy the embrace.

After they pulled apart, Jess reached into her handbag and took out a photograph. She placed it on Kris's lap. "Is this him?" she asked, her voice full of hope and anxiety.

Kris picked up the photo and looked at it. "Yes," she said quietly, confirming Jess's fears.

Jess's heart ached. "What happened between you two?" she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Kris looked out the window, lost in thought. Jess waited, sensing the importance of the moment.

"I met him in my last year of law school," Kris began, her voice nostalgic. "He was lost on campus and bumped into me. He was older and had a guitar case instead of books. He was running late for a performance, so I helped him find the event hall. When I saw him sing, I was mesmerized. His energy was amazing; he was completely into his music."

Jess saw the fondness in her mother's eyes, showing she had once loved him deeply.

"We started dating. At first, it was just fun. Adam was funny and different, but things changed when I got pregnant with you. My parents disowned me, and I struggled to finish school and support myself. Adam wasn't ready for that. His career was taking off, and he was scared of the consequences," Kris said, her tone growing somber.

"I kept trying to reach him, even though it was hard. I remember finding him at his band's practice one day. He was with another woman who had a past with him. It was obvious she was the original girlfriend, and I was just an afterthought. Her look and how she clung to him showed he had lied to both of us."

Jess felt a mix of anger and sadness toward her father. Seeing her mother in such pain was heartbreaking.

"The worst part was that I still loved him. A few months before you were born, Adam contacted me. He apologized and promised to make things right. We took that photo together, thinking he would keep his promises. But after that, I never heard from him again," Kris concluded, her voice breaking with emotion.

Tears rolled down Jess's face as she took in her mother's story. The years of suffering Kris endured for a broken promise felt unbearably cruel.

"Jessie?" Kris's voice was soft as she reached out to wipe her daughter's tears.

"He died, Mom. He died," Jess whispered through her tears, her voice trembling.

Kris's face went blank, tears filling her eyes as she took in the news. Jess gently held her mother, offering comfort as the truth sunk in.

"Let it all out, Mom. Let it all out," Jess murmured, holding her mother close as they both felt the weight of their shared pain.

One early morning, Jess supported her mother's frail frame as they walked together through the cemetery. Kris had wanted to visit her father's grave, and despite her initial doubts, Jess agreed. She needed closure as much as Kris did.

The cemetery was peaceful, with gently swaying branches and blooming flowers creating a calm atmosphere.

When they reached the tombstone, Jess read the inscription, noting her father's name. She felt her mother's grip tighten, reflecting the seriousness of the moment. Jess offered a quiet prayer, her thoughts reaching out to the past.

"I never had the chance to know you. I wish I had, but fate had other plans for us. I hope you are at peace now. We forgive you, Dad," she thought, her words lingering in the air.

A strong breeze swept through, making Jess adjust the shawl around her shoulders. She looked at her mother, whose face was serious. Jess wondered what Kris was thinking and hoped this visit would help her start healing. Holding onto anger served no purpose. She moved closer to Kris and whispered, "I love you, Mom."

Kris's eyes filled with tears. "I'm so sorry, Jess. I'm so sorry for everything."

Jess nodded and hugged her mother again, offering comfort in their shared grief.

Weeks later, Jess was back in the recording studio, focused on her work. She was rehearsing songs for her new album with Alexander, her mentor. Meeting industry professionals like the musical director, producer, and songwriters felt surreal. Though the music world was still new to her, Alexander had been supportive, making the transition smoother.

"Since the last collaboration with Shaun Hays went well, we're planning a duet with him for the album. His label agreed, and we're just finalizing the details," Alexander said.

"Did he agree to do it?" Jess asked, curious.

"Yes, he's looking forward to it," Alexander replied.

Jess nodded. Since the incident between Shaun and Rick, she hasn't had a chance to talk to Shaun. She missed Rick, who had been away for work and endorsements. She hadn't seen him in a while.

Alexander paused, studying Jess with a serious look. "Is there something I should know about the situation between you, Shaun, and Rick?" he asked suddenly.

Jess was caught off guard. "Why do you ask?" she replied, trying to avoid the question.

"I have my doubts," Alexander said. "You know how damaging rumors can be. It's better to be honest now if there's something I should know. We need to handle any potential fallout."

Jess closed her eyes. Alexander's keen observation left her no choice but to speak.

"Shaun is my childhood friend," she began, explaining their history and the conflict between Shaun and Rick. She described how their rivalry had put her in a difficult spot.

"What about you and Rick?" Alexander pressed, his gaze intense.

Jess felt the weight of his scrutiny. "We're alright," she said, feeling the pressure of his stare.

"You know that's not what I meant," Alexander said firmly.

Jess sighed. "Rick will explain everything to you and Bennie. But yes, your concerns are valid," she admitted.

Alexander nodded, understanding. He took Jess's hand gently, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Jess, Rick has a troubled past. He's a good man, but he's been through a lot. I don't know the depth of your relationship, but please be patient with him. He's still dealing with his past and is more fragile than you might realize," Alexander said.

Jess was trying to understand Rick better, but Alexander's words added complexity. She realized that time might reveal more about Rick's past, but each step forward seemed to push him away, making her feel like she was starting over.

She touched her temple, trying to calm her racing thoughts. "I don't know everything about Rick yet, but we'll figure it out together. Thank you, Alexander, for letting me know," she said, and he gave her a reassuring smile.

The rest of the day was busy with practice, but Jess's mind was occupied with thoughts of her future with Rick. She silently prayed for clarity and strength for whatever lay ahead.

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