Chapter 6: A Glimpse of Talent

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Jess hesitated as she arrived at the diner, feeling anxious despite the cold wind. She looked around and was surprised by the large crowd, which made her knees weak. Clutching her necklace, she tried to calm her racing thoughts. This was her first public performance as an adult, and she knew she should be proud. As she walked in, the dim lighting and soft music created a feeling of anticipation. Fred had worked hard to make this night special, and the big crowd showed it. She wished no one had shown up, but she knew it was too late for that. The guests were excited to see a new side of the diner, which made the team even more determined to do their best.

The practice sessions had been chaotic, with everyone struggling to sync up and agree on the concept. But Fred's patience had paid off, and they eventually found a sound they were happy with. Jess was pleased with their progress. Trying to calm her nerves, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Fred, who looked mostly excited.

"Are you ready?" he asked, his tone encouraging.

No. Jess looked around at her colleagues and couldn't help but laugh. The crew had fully embraced the rock band theme. Jose wore a leather jacket and aviator sunglasses, Leny had a bright headband and a fringe vest, and Abby sported a flashy sequined top and fingerless gloves. They looked like they'd stepped out of an '80s rock video, full of energy and enthusiasm.

"You guys went for it, huh?" Jess teased, laughing. Abby's laughter joined in, and the mood lightened.

Fred chuckled, shaking his head. "We do aim to impress."

Jess had chosen a simpler look—black shorts, high-knee socks, and sturdy boots. Her white shirt read "You Rock," and she kept her accessories minimal, letting her hair fall in loose curls under a casual cap.

Fred gathered the team together, pumping everyone up. "No matter what happens, let's have fun tonight. We've practiced hard and though it was challenging at first but we pulled it through. I know we'll do great tonight."

Suddenly, the lights went out, plunging the room into darkness. Jess's heart raced as the stage lights flashed on, revealing shiny instruments, bright props, and a backdrop hinting at a big show. The rush of adrenaline was strong. This was her moment, but self-doubt still tugged at her excitement. She scolded herself for letting negativity creep in. "Just focus," she told herself, gripping the microphone stand tightly. The murmurs of the crowd were loud as Jess tried to brush it aside.

Fred walked confidently to the center stage, full of charisma and excitement. He grabbed the mic and gave it a quick test. "Ladies and gentlemen," Fred said with a big smile, "we're excited to have you here to see our hard work. We want to thank you for your support and for being with us all these years." His dramatic chuckle brought a warm laugh from the audience.

Fred's voice filled the room. "We have such loyal customers, and we want to thank you with our music. Here we are, the staff and crew of this diner! Let's give everyone a big round of applause!"

The crowd cheered and applauded.

When it was time, Jess's voice wavered slightly as she began the opening lyrics. She closed her eyes, trying to shut out the bright lights and the loud crowd. The song Fred had picked was about losing someone you love, a melody heavy with sadness that resonated deeply with her. As she sang, Jess felt her heartbreak flow through the lyrics. Each note echoed her pain, and her voice, shaky at first, grew stronger with each verse. The sorrow in her tone captured the song's essence, drawing the audience into her world of heartache.

The crowd's excitement grew with every note. Her performance was a touching display of vulnerability, and the audience responded with applause. When the final lyrics faded, the applause was thunderous. Jess's cheeks flushed as the diner erupted in cheers and whistling. Fred, beaming with pride, gave her a warm hug. The sincerity of the moment and the connection with the audience brought a lump to her throat.

Jess smiled shyly. This night, this moment, was a reminder of the dreams she had as a child. The joy of singing, a passion she had nearly forgotten, was reignited. As the band played on, the energy in the room soared. Jess lost herself in the performance, sharing the spotlight with Abby and Leny. Each song seemed to lift the crowd's spirits higher.

When the final chords played out, Fred took the mic again. His voice, full of gratitude and excitement, thanked the guests for their support. The room responded with another loud round of applause.

"You did an amazing job, Jess," Abby said as they came off stage, her eyes shining with admiration. "I knew you could sing, but you were incredible!"

Jess beamed, her cheeks still flushed. "You all did great too. Abby on the piano was fantastic, Leny was amazing, and Fred and Jose—you were all awesome!"

Fred, smiling widely, clapped Jess on the back. "This was the right call. The diner needed this."

Jess nodded, feeling grateful for Fred's hard work and the team's support. As the crowd's cheers continued, she decided to step outside for a moment of quiet. She needed fresh air to process the evening's emotions and enjoy her newfound pride.

Outside, Jess welcomed the cool night air and looked up at the moon. Singing again had reignited a passion she had buried deep. As a child, she had hoped her mother would see her talent and be proud, but that hope had faded when Kris didn't attend her play. The memory of that disappointment was still fresh, a reminder of a dream unfulfilled.

Lost in these thoughts, Jess's peace was suddenly interrupted by footsteps approaching her. She tensed, ready to defend herself if needed. Turning sharply, she faced the figure emerging from the shadows.

"Who are you?" she asked, her voice steady but cautious.

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