Chapter 16

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Rick absentmindedly used his body as a shield as he tried to conceal Jess's frame from Shaun's penetrating gaze.

"Do you plan to talk to him?" He whispered as his eyes averted at Shaun, reading him.

Jess sighed and nodded.

"It's now or never" she uttered back.

"I'll be in the lobby if you need anything, I will wait for you in there" Rick stated loudly aiming it at Shaun as he delivered an indirect threat towards him.

Jess nodded again and as Rick started to walk away, he made a final squeeze on her palm giving her a boost of confidence.

She smiled.

Shaun watched the display of Rick and Jess's hands touching each other, he felt annoyed. As Rick's back headed towards the resort lobby, he then snorted at his rival's claim on Jess. With that thought, Shaun stared at Jess again.

She raised a brow.

"What do you want Shaun?" she asked directly.

Instead of answering, Shaun pointed to the path heading to the seashore. "Can we talk right there? It's just too noisy here." He asked.

Jess followed his request and made her way to the semi-lighted path towards the seafront. As she was sure that the noise was minimal, she stopped her tracks and faced Shaun once again.

"What do you want Shaun?" She asked one more time.

"Can we at least sit down?" He ignored her question again and without inhibition, he sat on the warm sand not minding the dirt at all.

Jess debated whether she should remain standing but gave in eventually and followed Shaun. She sat right beside him.

Both were silent for a few moments as their gaze went to the darkened sea. 

Jess then stated. "You heard my question, spill the bean then"

Shaun dared to look at her and tried to sound passive with his confrontation. "Rick Reed Jessie? Are you kidding me?"

Jess knew that this conversation might be about Rick but hearing it asked by Shaun straight ahead made her feel offended. She tried to breathe.

"What about Rick?" she asked back trying to keep an open mind though her patience was wearing thin.

"Oh, so you are on a first-name basis now? Are you enjoying your charades with him? Using him as your gateway to the industry? I can say that you are indeed choosing the easiest route" he mocked.

"Is that why you want to talk to me? To lace your words with sarcasm and judgment? If you have nothing else to say, go to Hell!" Jess uttered as she readily tried to get up and walk away when Shaun stopped her and pulled her back.

"I'm sorry..." He stated softly.

His eyes went to her, then suddenly dropped his gaze. "I shouldn't have said that" he added.

Jess breathed. "Let's try again. What do you want to talk about?"

Shaun sighed deeply. "I was just wondering if you are doing all these to get back at me." He blurted honestly.

"Using Rick Reed to provoke me, flirting with him, and this intended closeness, is this all for the show? Or is there something more going on?" He tilted his eyes and went back to Jess.

Jess listened to his words and was unsure what the goal was, was it just mere curiosity? His words signify that she is using Rick to get back at Shaun, to do what? To make him jealous? Is he jealous?

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