Chapter 30

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Jess turned around and walked towards her door when she heard a loud knock. She steadied her pace and opened it cautiously when a smiling Mrs. Lee greeted Jess, she opened her doorway and smiled at her neighbor.

"Jess..." she stated and handed her a box of cookies. "This is long overdue, I want to thank you again last time, for helping me out and for taking my place when I wasn't feeling well." She added.

Jess smiled and nodded. "You're welcome Mrs. Lee, I hope you are feeling much better now." She asked.

"Yes, better than before" she chuckled. "I'll just state my purpose why I am here Jess; my cousin is getting married today and I committed to be there, but I received a call from the owner of the house you used to clean before and is requesting to do housekeeping today before he arrives from his business trip. Is it possible you can take my place again? I promise this is my last favor from you..." she pleaded.

Jess was stunned by her request; she wasn't expecting to do housework today.

"I'm just scared if I turn down his request, he might not ask for my services anymore, this is the only acceptable job that pays better for me, I am alone now and old, and I have to keep a list of prescriptions for my health, which are very expensive. I need your help today." She begs her even more.

Jess knows that she's desperate and there's a big impact on Mrs. Lee if she won't push to do the house cleaning. She sighed, she's not doing anything that day as well and there's no immediate request from Alexander.

After a moment of contemplation, Jess nodded at her weary neighbor and Mrs. Lee smiled like there was no tomorrow. She embraced her tightly and Jess chortled at her reaction.

After she prepared to head out and do the cleaning work, Jess decided to ride the bus today, she remembered the times that it's been her routine to go to Fred's and back to her apartment. It was a feeling of nostalgia that made her grin. She missed this life before. She let the sunlight cast brightly on her face as she traveled to part-time work. She laughed at the thought.

She recalled being in this house before and the sense of awe of how organized and beautiful the interior of it still gets her even to that day. What she didn't expect is how mesmerizing it can look during the midday. She carefully entered the house using the spare key that Mrs. Lee gave her and started to arrange some stuff. She checked where the vacuum was and when she found it, she dragged it to the living room. She was exerting much effort holding on to the machine when she accidentally bumped into someone from behind.

She gasped loudly and quickly turned around to apologize but what prompted it was even more of a shocker than what she could ever expect.

"Rick?" She blurted in disbelief.

He was naked with only a towel covering him, stepped out of the shower, and was stunned to see Jess in his own house too, much more to see her house cleaning.

"You are not Mrs. Lee..." he said, stating the obvious.

Jess was ogling at Rick's naked chest, she wanted to run her fingers to his dripping body and feel its warmth. She missed him!

"She asked for my help, she has other important things to do today, she's my neighbor and neighbors help each other." She replied that she was not sure why she said that.

Rick nodded and smiled at her. "I thought this was kind of surprise of welcoming me home" he teased.

She blushed from his crazy thoughts when he suddenly pulled her closer and kissed her lips intimately.

"I miss you..." he whispered.

Her legs felt weak, and her insides felt melting, this man had much power over her. It's terrifying.

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