Chapter 17

62 7 1

Thalia POV

11:00 am

Ares kissed me down my neck when he suddenly pulled away from me. Confusion flashed over me... Did I do something wrong? Why did he pull away? Negative thoughts came rushing through me. "What is wrong," I asked trying to catch my breath. "My father needs me in my office..." he sighed heavily. "No!" Chioni whined inside my head "He can't leave!" she growled loudly letting the growl escape my lips and momentarily taking control and pulling Ares back into the bed kissing him deeply. "Do you really need to go?" I asked against his lips, hoping he will change his mind. "Yes, ο άγγελός μου (my angel). I won't be long, I promise." He swore while kissing my cheek softly.

I sat up in the bed covering myself with the sheet while Ares grabbed his shirt from the floor and pulling it over his head. "Stay in the room, and don't open the door for anyone except me," he said kissing me again. He turned around leaving and closing the door behind him firmly, leaving me alone.

I fell back on to the bed with a deep sigh. I hope he comes back soon... I got up from the bed with another deep sigh going into the bathroom to take a cold shower, trying to distract myself.


Once I was done showering, I dressed in grey leggings and one of Ares' t-shirts, sniffing the shirt before pulling it over my head. His shirt was way too big for me, covering my thighs. I ran my brush through my hair, tying my hair in a high ponytail. I flopped back onto the bed, checking the time on my phone... only 11:15 am... How long is Ares going to stay away... I miss him...

Googling random stuff on my phone, trying to pass the time until Ares returns. A sound came from the door and I sat up instantly, completely excited, thinking that Ares might have returned.

The bedroom door slowly creaked open while a blonde head popped into the room. "Ah, there you are," the woman said, slipping her whole body into the room and closing the door quietly behind her.

I gawked at this unfamiliar blonde woman. She was a bit taller than me and definitely more fit than me.

"Who are you? And are you doing here?" I asked her, feeling a bit uncomfortable, while Chioni lurked in my mind. "That is not of importance to you." She hissed "The only thing that matters is how this is going to play out... You..." she said with an evil smile moving toward me "You will either come with me quietly or..." she cracked her knuckles "I will make you quite." She threatened

Chioni immediately came forward trying to shift us into my wolf form when the blonde jumped me, grabbing my one arm. My claws extracted and I sliced her skin on her face letting droplets of blood oosed out of her skin. "Bitch!" she cried out while she threw me across the room. She caught me off guard and she was definitely trained in combat unlike me...

My body crashed into Ares' bookshelf, letting books fall over the floor and on top of me. My whole body was shaking from the rush of adrenaline and before I could stand up from the floor the blonde grabbed me by my ponytail. A small whine escaped my mouth, from the force she is pulling my hair at. "You will regret doing that to me!" she hissed, tugging my hair again, before throwing me against the wall, letting a few of ornaments fall, shattering, on the floor.

A metal tastes filled my mouth while I felt a small amount of my blood escaping my mouth and nose, I tried to stand up, but my feet betrayed me, and I fell back down to the floor. Glass of the shattered ornaments cutting my hands and legs deeply.

My vision was still blurry when I heard the clanking of heals against the floor, approaching me. The blonde grabbed me by my throat squeezing tightly "Now!" She hissed again "Sleep tight! Bitch!" she growled while a felt a sharp object entering my skin on my neck. My whole body was burning with pain, almost like she injected me with liquid fire, making my veins burn out of agony. A faint cry escaped my lips while everything around me disappeared into blackened darkness.

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