Chapter 7

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Ares POV

After saying goodnight to Thalia, I started to make my way towards my bedroom. "Ares, meeting in your office now!" my mother mid linked me, sounding even more irritable. With a deep sigh, I went downstairs to my office. My whole family was present for the 'meeting' my mother just called.

My mother was standing by the window staring out into the forest. My father and sister were sitting silently on the chairs in front of my desk like naughty children and my Apollo was lounging on my couch playing with his phone, as usual.

"What is this about?" I asked closing the door. My mother turned around and gave me a deadly stare. "Your mother apparently has some sort of issue with your mate." my father disclosed. My wolf snarled at her, the thought of her trying to prevent us from mating, aggravated my wolf and it took all of me to hold him back.

"She is not a werewolf. She is human! You should be mating with a powerful wolf, not a pathetic human girl! I will not allow this" she scolded, "And you know that there are already arrangements made for you to mate with Madeline. It will be disgraceful to inform them now that you have changed your mind. It's an insult to this family and an embarrassment to our pack!" my mother shouted.

Madeline is an Alpha's daughter from a small pack called the Blood Moon Pack. We have met a few times. She is a beautiful woman, nice body, blonde, blue eyes and big boobs. But honestly, I have nothing in common with her. She is also very spoiled and full of herself. And I don't believe in the chosen mate thing, I think someone should first try to search for your true mate before settling for a chosen mate. The Luna has given us true mates for a reason. My mother, on the other hand, does not believe in true mates. She chose to mate with my father and my father was forced by his father to mate with her. My father has a true mate, but she was banished from our pack a long time ago.

"I never agreed on being mated to Madeline! I did tell you that I'm not interested in having a 'chosen mate', that I will rather wait and search for my true mate! And I don't need your permission to mate with Thalia!" my mother's face turned red with anger and her wolf came forward, disliking the disrespect.

"Excuse me!? I am your mother and your Luna of this pack! You will not speak to me like that!" my mother shouted even loader. My wolf came completely forward "AND I AM YOU ALPHA! YOU ARE THE FORMER LUNA OF THIS PACK! YOU WILL NOT DISRESPECT ME!" me/my wolf shouted at her. No one has ever spoken to her like this before.

My father got up from his chair, fixing his buttons on his suit jacket. "I think this has gone far enough. Aphrodite, I think you should retire to bed. I would like to speak with our children." my father suggested. Without a word my mother left my office, slamming the door on her way out.

Everyone was quiet, even Apollo, not sure what our father is going to say or do. "Wow, I can't believe you actually stood up to our mother!" Athena broke the silence. "Athena!" father grumbled "now is not the time." "Sorry father, but it's true. I think it is about time Ares stood for himself. She is ruling this pack like she is the Alpha, and she is not. She has never been an Alpha to start with." Athena mentioned. "I know Athena. But we are not discussing your mother at this moment. This is about your brothers' mate." Father said with his stern voice.

"What about my mate father?" I asked, intrigued by what he has to say about Thalia. "I do not have a problem with Thalia. I think she is a lovely lady." he continued "But she is, however, a human. There is much to take into consideration. I have never heard of a human mating with a werewolf, an Alpha in that matter. You are either born with the gene or not." father explained. I sat back into my leather desk chair, letting out a deep sigh. It is not like I haven't thought about it. It is something I don't understand. I don't know why the Luna gave me a human as a mate. But the feelings I had for Thalia was pure and true, I cannot deny it. I love her.

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