Chapter 58 - Time to go home

Start from the beginning

"And I'm ready for that", I firmly stated, looking over to my fiancée who gave me a confident look back, her eyes brimming with love.

Amar drew me into his arms as well. "You promised me you would take care of her."

"And I'm a man of his word - I'll do anything for her."

"Let me go get some champagne!", Marthe stepped over the popcorn and pinched my fiancée's and my cheek. "This needs to be celebrated!"

Sara's POV

Adrien and Estelle nudged closer to Rebecca to see Sara, all while Rebecca and Leon eyed us the moment we stepped into the room.

"What's gotten you in such a good mood?", Leon asked with a grin, throwing Estelle into the air who protested. She immediately crawled back to little Sara.

We exchanged a glance and Michael nodded his head forward. I stepped forward, raising my hand.

"We are engaged!", I squealed.

Rebecca and Leon's mouth dropped open, then both beamed.

"No big deal, I just have a fiancée now", Michael grinned.

Rebecca commanded us closer so she could hug us, kissing our cheeks happily. "Engaged! I'm so happy for you two!"

"It only goes downhill from here", Leon winked, nudging his wife.

"When did this happen? How?", Rebecca ecstatically asked. "And do not spare any details you've heard me!"

"She has a nose for details", Leon touched his one. "Being a literature prof after all."

Rebecca patted the bed and we sat down.

"After we got home from the hospital, we went up to the swings", I started, taking Michael's hand.

"We talked a bit, expressed how happy we were for you, for Sara, and how happy we were." Michael followed up.

"I was gushing how happy I was and how I didn't want to forget that moment."

"So I thought it would be a good time to pop the question - so it stays in her mind as a joyful moment."

Rebecca clapped happily.

"You could have asked in Marseilles or wherever you two went on your little holiday though", Leon joked.

Michael thought about it. "No, we had been riled up and Sara had been in pain. I don't want the proposal to replace that, I want the proposal to add to the moment."

"It was perfect", I assured him.

Rebecca took my hand to see the ring more clearly. "It's dazzling!"

"When's the wedding? When are you going to have kids? How many are you going to have? When are you moving in together? When are you starting to plan your wedding?", Leon bombarded us with a snarky tone. "Expect those questions and many more from others."

"Even if you had your child willingly. Some even asked me how it went down", Rebecca frowned. "Or just touched my stomach without my permission. People are strange when it comes to 'the big three'."

"You call engagement, wedding and kids the big three?", I asked.

"Those three cause a lot of idiots to tell you their advice and they word it as if it were absolute!", Rebecca raised her finger. "The unnecessary, unneeded, unsolicited and unjustified advice I got for the big three was sometimes baloney!"

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