He may seem fine, but he still wasn't over that. He almost killed another kid. you don't just get over that with a pep talk. A kid who probably had more than him, even. A mom and dad. Other family. Friends. A lover, maybe. People cared about that kid. And he could've ended all that... so easily... it really brought Izuku down to earth. This isn't a game. Hero isn't playing at the park with Kacchan anymore. People have died. They get killed everyday because of villains and heroes alike. Houses burned, lives lost. And him, a quirkless who is considered the weakest of the weak even, could have ended another like that. It barely took anything to end a life, and that caused a feeling of understanding and depth within Izuku. This isn't a game.

Izuku shook his head. Get yourself together! Kacchan doesn't scare you anymore!...

Okay, so maybe he scares me a little bit, but that's not the point! Alliko says bark, so I'm gonna bark!

Maybe Izuku scares himself more than Kacchan ever did.

"I-uhm... mom, I-I can't hang out today... m-my new friends, they have something planned I have to be there for... I think we're getting ice cream again!"

Inko and Mitsuki immediately directed their attention to the shy boy, and their eyes shinned.

"Of course baby! Go hang out with your friends! Oh, and take lots of pictures for me, will you? I can tell you enjoy being with them, you just seem so much happier recently!"

Mitsuki stool up to ruffle Izuku's hair, causing him to giggle. "Same here, punk. I can tell you seem... brighter, recently. Whoever your friends are, I approve, kk brat? Now, get your ass going... and make sure to have fun, kid!"

Izuku stumbles, giving a bright grin before grabbing his bag and making his way out the door. It was a gym bag Tora got him. It was mainly red to match his shoes, with black borders and such. He kept his law books and sparring clothes in there, along with his wallet and other important stuff, like his law notes.

Izuku jogged down the street, appreciating the quiet time of day. It was about time that everyone was at work or inside, so it was quiet and calm outside. The sound of his feet pounding against the concrete mixed with faint birdsongs and the occasional passerby was calming, and Izuku's breathing seemed to calm even as he was running.

It wasn't long before Izuku made it to the warehouse, short of breath, and able to feel his heart beating in his chest from the exhilaration of exercise. He walked up and slid in a key, clicking it into the lock and opening he door.

That was a new addition. Motahsiro had got a locksmith to duplicate the old, rusty warehouse skeleton key he had for the building, and gave one to each of them. Kisha, Alliko, Tora, and him. Apparently one other person got one, but that ain't Izuku's business, a'ight. Anyway, they can finally lock the building during the day now that everyone has a way to get in.

Izuku shut the door behind him, the loud 'thud' echoing through the large room. The ceiling was so tall, it was insane. There were walkways up in the rafters, and old industrial bits everywhere. Large, square windows completing the look. Apparently it was a storing facility, but then it was emptied after the company went broke. Motashiro won it off the owner in a wild game of poker.

Though it's a running joke that Mota got it from his fairy godmother. Something about Halloween and the bests night of Alliko's life, as he said. But that's a story for another time.

Alliko was reading in the corner, sitting on a stack of sparring mats, taking notes on what he was looking at. no one else was in yet, as it was still pretty early.

"Wassup, kid. Woah! Man, are you fucking shining? What he hell is with you and beaming brighter than the sun? Da hell are my sunglasses-"

Izuku just grinned wider, "oh! I organized all my piercings with my mom and aunty! Look, look!" Izuku bounced over, showing off his Sakura blossom ear cuffs, green barbell, smaller ear piercings, a basic ring lip piercing, and finally sticking his tongue out to show the little tiny rainbow sphere. He didn't have a different nose ring in right now, just the one that he was set to heal in, because it really hurt to change a septum piercing when it hasn't healed yet.

Beating the System (bnha fanfic [Vigilante] Deku)Where stories live. Discover now