Soda Spill

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Asher POV

"Alright, what did you do now?" Scott asked as he slammed my front door and woke me from a rather peaceful nap.

"What are you on about?" I sat up and scratched the back of my head. I knew immediately that Jonah wasn't beside me, but it didn't register yet he wasn't even in the room.

"You're Mate," Scott huffed as he pulled off his jacket and shirt, "Just threw a can of coke all over my new suit. This is Armani!" 

"What?" I repeated and narrowed my gaze at the other man. "When did you see him."

"When I went back to his house to look for more clues. Those pills you asked me look for weren't there, by the way. I think the guy he was with must have taken them."

"What guy? You think it was Klaus or one of his men?"

Scott shook his head, "No Jonah seemed pretty comfortable around him, but the minute he saw me and I told him I was friends with you, he threw the drink right in my face. Said something like, that psychopath knows exactly what this means."

"Shit." I stood up and pulled a sweater on before running out the door. Scott was close behind me. 

"What did you do?" Scott asked as I started my car.

"This time nothing, Jonah is in trouble." My hands gripped the steering wheel so tight the tips of my fingers turned white.

Scott hopped into the passenger seat. "That guy he was with said they were just going to take a drive."

"One thing I know is Jonah hates soda." I pulled out of my driveway. "He was sending me a sign. Did he look off to you? Maybe a little on edge?"

"Honestly, when he poured his drink all over me, I just got pissed and left." Scott said pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Should I call in the cavalry?"

"Not yet, I don't want to unless we absolutely have no other option. Call Ezra, find out if Jonah's friend woke up. Maybe he might know something."

"Got it," The phone rang once and a loud crash was heard on the other end.

"Not a good fucking time," was all Ezra said before hanging up."

"Well that sounded promising." Scott looked down at his phone with a grin. 

"When I get to Jonah's house, take the car and find out what's going on." I growled. 

I was pissed. If Jonah really was in danger I would have heard his cries for help, like last time, but I sensed nothing was wrong. What if he was actually just mad at me and decided he wanted to leave? I looked over at Scott who was furiously texting on his phone. I would keep my composure until he was gone. Which turned out to be a lot easier said than done.

When we got to Jonah's house I jumped out of the car and Scott took the driver's seat. I popped my head through the window and said, "Let's meet back at my place in an hour." 

"Got it," Scott started to drive off. "Don't do anything stupid until I get back!"

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