Owner of a Lonely Heart

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I came home to find Theo completely miserable. It was obvious from just his expression that he didn't know whether to be mad at me for running off or apologize profusely for being the reason I ran in the first place.

I let out a heavy sigh and before he could say anything, I put my hand up to stop him. "Relax, we can have a big kid talk in a minute, but it looks like both of us could use a drink first."

"So you heard from your parents too," Theo said when I tossed him a beer. We sat at opposite ends of the couch.

"Worse, they sent Alfie to threaten me," I let out air through my nose, liked they'd ever speak to me directly. 

"Alfie? But I thought he was in Italy with your parents?" Theo knitted his brows.

"Well I guess my parents were worried that their only child would smear their good name." I rolled my eyes.

"You think this will get you in the papers? I mean that's a bit dramatic." Theo made a face that said the idea of it happening was ridiculous. 

"Yeah the headlines will read, Stones' Failed-Experiment Son Nearly Killed by Mate."

I watched the smallest snarl appear on Theo's face when I mentioned the word Mate. It could have easily been mistaken for an itchy nose if I wasn't looking out for it.

Instead of expressing his frustration, he sighed and said, "You're not a failed experiment. You're- You're perfect."

Theo's expression grew soft and my gut clenched.

"Theo, this- this would never work."

"Why not?" He said scooting closer.

"Because there are so many complicated factors, that it would just make things well, complicated." I pressed my lips into a firm line.

"Like what?" He asked closing the gap between us.

"Because I'm mated for one thing. That's something we can't ignore," I knitted my brows. 

"I said I would solve that and I mean it. I can talk with your parents, I am sure they are working on a way to reverse unwanted mating right now." Theo locked his eyes with mine.

"Say it was reversed, that would negate the fact that you are leaving after the summer ends." I slid toward the arm of the couch when he moved another inch toward me.

"I don't have to leave. Your parents definitely don't want me to."

"I want you to. You deserve to have a real life, one that doesn't involve looking over my shoulder every five minutes."

"Jonah," Theo grabbed my shoulders. "I could have left years ago, but I chose to stay because I never want to leave your side.

"Please don't come any closer. I don't know what I want and your closeness isn't helping."

"Then, let me help you decide." 

Theo cupped the side of my face before pulling me into a kiss. It was gentle and more controlled than, last nights, but something still did sit right in my stomach. However, the need for comfort overpowered my conscious. 

I placed one hand around his neck and the other behind his head. I opened my mouth to let his tongue slid in. Theo pulled off my shirt with ease before taking off his own. I adjusted my position on the couch and watched him glaze over my chest with hungry eyes. He placed kisses all over my chest and made sure to avoid my neck. For a moment there was nothing, we were just two boys enjoying the closeness of one another. 

Everything turned to shit the moment we tried going any further. Theo had placed his hand just below my waist band. My gut twisted and I lost my breath at the pain. Theo jumped off me and I rolled off the couch just in time to throw up. 

I looked up at Theo and took and heaved in a gulp of air. 

So, this is what being mated was all about. 

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