Easy Listening Music

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I was in the middle of an interrogation with Scott, when the sudden urge to throw up hit me like a bullet train. Ezra had sent me hospital footage of a janitor taking a smoke behind the building. It would have been inconspicuous, if he hadn't been talking to two civilians. Most people wouldn't have a need to go back there, since they'd be inside the hospital, worrying about loved ones.

Along with the footage, Ezra sent over his work file, bank statements, and any other information that might be useful. The janitor's name was Tim O'Conner. He had been working at the hospital for just under two years. He had a wife and a couple of kids. I grinned noticing the large sums of money that would disappear from his savings once a month and reappear slowly over time. 

He was a gambler. Which was reason enough for me to believe he was desperate to make a quick buck. I had Scott pick him up once he was done at the bakery.

"Look man, I didn't say nothing to no one, I swear," O'Conner grumbled as Scott tied him to one of my kitchen chairs. Meanwhile, I made sure to close the curtains and turn the music on extra loud. It was a scare tactic that my father taught me. 

"You gotta make them think they're helpless, Ashy," My Father would say just before punching his victims in the gut.

I nodded at Scott. He tugged O'Conner's hair back and pulled out a small knife. 

"Woah, Woah," O'Conner said swallowing hard. The tip of the blade just barely scraped his neck. "Fellas I'm sure we can settle this some other way."

"Now, violence isn't really my thing. In fact I left home to get away from all of this," I waved my hands in the general area. "And for a while, I was doing pretty well for myself. I got a clean job, a nice car, some play money, you know, the works."

"Yeah so there's no need to be messing with a guy like me. You and your Mate can live happily no problems."

"See that's the issue," I took a step forward and punched the janitor in the gut. "I don't recall mentioning I had a Mate. Scott, did you by any chance tell Mr. O'Conner of my so called Mate?"

"No, Sir, I did not." Scott pulled harder at O'Conner's hair.

"Oh come on," O'Conner groaned. "Everyone in that damn place knows why you were there. It sure as hell wasn't because you were visiting old friends."

"Sure," I shrugged. "But no one else is dumb enough to let it leave the hospital." 

"What and you think I did? Like I said, I didn't say anything. I have a wife and kids, why would risk that?"

"You also have a gambling problem. Does your wife, Sherry, know that?" 

O'Conner's eyes went wide before they narrowed with aggression. "Don't say her name like you know her."

"Oh, why? Are you worried something might happen to her?" I narrowed my gaze. "Because I'm worried for her, and little Nicky and Sam."

"Screw you," O'Conner said before spitting in my face. 

With a deep breath and a heavy sigh I wiped the spit off my face and punched O'Conner in the nose. "Well, that wasn't very bright." 

I punched him again, this time breaking his nose. Blood pooled down from his nostrils.

"What do you say, I make a little house call, see how Sherry and the kids are doing?"

"You son of a bitch!" O'Conner squirmed in his chair. 

"Just give me a name. Who were the guys you were talking to?"

"You don't get it, man. I tell you and they kill me,"

"No, you don't get it," I said grabbing the chair. "By letting them know I've been mated, you've put some random kid who knows nothing about this world in danger. If they get to him, they'll do what ever they can to get to me." 

I looked O'Conner hard in the eyes. "Imagine, if he was one of your sons."

The room grew still.

I hated this. 

I was not my father and yet, I'm damn near wearing his shoes. I just want Jonah safe and I'll do what ever it takes to make sure of that.

"They'll- They'll kill me." O'Conner finally repeated and I snarled.

"I'll-" I started to shout and grab at the collar of his uniform, but the world grew hot and dizzy all at once. "I'll."

I turned and fell to the ground. Scott took a step forward, but I waved him away. I heaved once before throwing up all over the floor. After a beat, my surrounds returned to normal and I slowly stood up, wiping my face with the back of my hand.

"I have to go," I said heading for the door. "Don't kill him, that was my father's business, not mine."

My hand just touched the doorknob when I heard O'Conner laughing. 

"Is something funny?" I turned back around.

"Yeah," O'Conner chuckled. "To see a Fisher actually care about something that isn't money or power is hilarious."

I pressed my lips in a firm line and the flaring of my nostrils were the only sign of how enraged I actually was. I opened the door, never breaking eye contact with O'Conner.

"Scott, I've changed my mind."

I left and slammed the door behind me.

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