Spectraflame Green: Part Two

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"Looks like you caught me," He let out a small chuckle and I could feel his chest vibrating against me. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine, thanks," I tried to shift my position on the couch, but between Asher's grip and the lack of space, there was really no where to go.

"A little more than just fine it seems," Asher grinned and I froze, like a deer in headlights. 

"I was just trying to get comfortable!" I could feel my cheeks burning. "You're a grown man, why don't you own proper furniture?!"

"Jonah Oscar Stone, you're always so reserved," Asher huffed before twisting his body so that I was lying fully on the couch and he towered above me. His tone turned gruff, "If it's comfort you want, I'm happy to give it to you."

I swallowed hard, feeling my beating heart climbing its way up my throat. Between him saying my full name and being in full view of his bare chest, I found it difficult to concentrate, so I did my best to focus on the details of his face. "Th-this is not what I meant."

"Hmm, could have fooled me," Asher's grin turned into a full blown smile.

I narrowed my gaze and searched his deep blue eyes. "Was this some kind of trap from the start?"

"Job description," Was all he said as his head dipped down and his nose nuzzled mine.

"Job description," I repeated and closed my eyes, finding his closeness surprisingly comforting. My hands tightened against his biceps as he closed the gap between us.

His muscles rippled against my palms as his lips pressed against mine. I should have been more apprehensive, but our instant connection made it difficult not to want him. One moment, I felt unsure if I should give in to him, then next, hungry. I parted my lips to deepen the kiss and he didn't hesitate at the opportunity. 

It felt like I had a fever all over again. My body felt hot and heavy and something deep inside of me began to bubble to the surface, a mixture of pleasure and craving. I brought my hands up to Asher's neck and pulled him closer to me. If this is what it felt like to be with your Destiny Mate, then I never wanted it to end.

Suddenly his lips curled upwards and he let out a small laugh.

"What?" I asked breathlessly, breaking the kiss.

"Nothing," Asher pecked my lips and looked deeply into my eyes. There was a glint I've never seen before and it made my heart melt. He began to kiss me again.

"Tell me," I pulled away after he started laughing again. 

"It's just I've imagined kissing you for so long. I just never imagined you'd be so eager."

"Eager?" I tilted my head. "Am I not allowed to enjoy myself?"

"That's not what I meant," He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, that's funny because you could have fooled me," I mocked his tone.

"Hey!" He said with feigned annoyance, "I thought that was a good line."

I shook my head, but let my lips break into a smile.

"You know," He paused thoughtfully, "Your surprisingly forward." He continued when he saw the puzzled look on my face, "For example, when I flirt with you or kiss you, you get this big boost of confidence, like you entire personality does a huge one-eighty."

I pressed lips together and contemplated whether I should take his words as a compliment or an insult. After a beat, I looked up at his deep-set eyes and shrugged, "I don't know, I guess being with you just makes things easier- me happier."


Asher captured my lips once more and I could feel all of his emotions pouring into it. I dropped my guard and kissed him back.


Asher broke the kiss off first and it left me somewhat dumbfounded. Before I could say anything, he smiled brightly and dropped all of his weight on top of me. His muscles tensed as he squeezed me, like I was some kind of stuffed animal. 

"Get off!" I huffed.

"You can handle it," He sighed, nuzzling his head against my chest. 

"Doesn't mean I want to," I let my fingers explore his scalp and get tangled in his hair.

For the longest while, we didn't say anything. I watched his eyes close and let a small smile play on my lips. He thought I was the one who acted different around him, but actually, I've never seen his face carry so much emotion before. Even when he was angry, he held himself back. Seeing him like this, was like knowing a secret no one else knew and I couldn't help feeling bubbly all over.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, eyes still closed. "I can hear your heart beating faster."

My eyes grew wide and I did my best to focus on everything, but him. 

"The space-time continuum," I blurted out.

Asher burst into laughter and I could feel his chest vibrate against me. His head dipped up to look at my eyes, "You better be careful, dirty talk like that might get you into trouble."

I said nothing, but felt my cheeks burning. With another sigh he nestle his head back down, leaving me to wonder with my thoughts once more.

I should apologize. I never gave him a proper chance. But he had hurt Theo- hurt me. Had I been letting him off too easy, just because he saved me again?

I turned my head to see his eyes were shut. I pressed my lips into a pout and waited. As the time passed, his body slumped further into the couch. I knew he was fully asleep when his leg twitched. 

I didn't get up until I was sure he wouldn't pull another fast one on me. While it would have been fun to spend the rest of the day with Asher, I had to find Theo. I wasn't sure if he knew where I was or if I was okay. 

I looked back at Asher's sleeping body once more before leaving. Apologies would have to wait until after I returned.

Little did I know, apologies wouldn't be said for a while.

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