News Leak

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Asher POV

When I got home, I noticed my phone wouldn't stop buzzing with text messages, however before I could read any of them, a new call was coming in. The caller ID read Scott Turner, one of my clients, who ran a bakery on the pier. Without a second thought I answered it.

"Hey Scott," I said keeping my tone casual. "You're not calling to complain about the competition again, are you?"

"No," Scott laughed. "I'm actually calling to congratulate you."

"Congratulate me?" I put my phone on speaker as I checked the rest of my text messages. Sure enough, they were all celebratory in one way or another.

"Yeah," Scott continued. "The news is out that you found your Destiny Mate and you nearly killed him."

Shit. This wasn't good and Scott knew it too.

"Ah, I just wish we had a little more time to keep things private," I brushed a hand through my hair.

"You know how these things just get out. One person sees something and then the whole town knows. " 

Scott wasn't just making a vague assumption of how the news got out. I knew Ezra wouldn't say anything, which meant one of the nurses at the hospital must have let it slip.

"I tried calling you earlier, but you weren't answering your phone."

I checked the time stamps for Scott's number, this was the first time he was on this phone. With a frustrated sigh I checked my desk drawer. My hand brushed past the hotwheels car before picking up a second cell phone. 

Sure enough, I had missed three calls and seven text messages from the other man. He been trying to call me since last night.

"Sorry, I've been busy," I said tossing my second phone onto my desk.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Oh, you two getting busy already?" Scott joked.

"Not exactly," I said pressing my lips into a firm line.

"What? Someone who doesn't want to jump Asher Fisher's bones? They really must be your Destiny Mate!"

"Scott, I'm going to have to get back to you," I said cutting the conversation short. 

"Sure, Sure. And Asher, I really am happy for you," He said sincerely. 

"Thanks again for calling." I hung up the phone and immediately dialed Ezra's number on my second phone.

"Do you know?" I said skipping the formalities when he answered.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry I found out a couple hours after we left the bar." Ezra let out an exacerbated sigh. "I've been trying to figure out who let it leak, but no one is speaking up. They know the consequences if they do."

"How much time do you think we have before the news gets out of town." 

"I don't know, it may already be too late, but his Beta friend is unusually strong. If any trouble comes by he'd probably be able to hold them off."

"I don't want to risk that." I growled through the phone. "Let me know if you find anything else out. I'm going to make a few more phone calls."

"Does he even know what you do?" Ezra asked before I hung up.

"No, and I'd like to keep it that way."

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