Campfire Activities

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I watched from a safe distance as Theo pulled off his shirt and jumped into the ocean. Every year he tried to convince me to jump in with him, but I always came up with the same lame excuse about not being in the mood. At least this time I had a real excuse. 

My mark was killing me.

Theo was lucky, like most Alphas and Betas he could get beat to a pulp and within a few hours he would be as good as new. I on the other hand would be sore for at least three days. A small smile played on my lips as his shaggy brown hair bobbed out of the water. It always made me nervous seeing him go under. 

The sun had already kissed his skin and he looked three shades darker since we arrived. His muscles rippled against the water and he looked completely in his element. He tried to wave hello, but a large wave over took him. He face planted hard into the ocean and I couldn't help laughing. 

"Wow, what a goon," I heard a familiar voice from behind me joke. 

I flipped my head back to look at who it was and cringed.

Andy looked down at me with a sympathetic smile.

He knew. Of course he did. Anyone a mile away could smell me. 

"Hey," he said after realizing he was staring too long. "Mind if we join you two?"

Andy pointed to his crew and I shook my head, trying to keep the pain to myself.

"No, not at all."

"Good because we were going to whether you wanted us to or not," Kathy stated before pulling off her shirt and running toward the water. Jared caught up to her and held her hand as they jumped into the ocean. The rest of crew soon followed, except for Eve who sat beside me. Her hair long, black hair had been put up in a high pony, which made her collar completely visible. 

It almost felt like, a slap in the face.

She said nothing at first and just placed her head on my shoulder. The sudden contact made me gasp, but within seconds I had completely relaxed. 

"How do you feel?" She asked with her gaze fixed on the ocean.

"Scared." I answered honestly.

"Why?" She smiled and I furrowed my brows. "You never have to be scared again."

My eyes widened.

"I didn't want this."

"We are Omegas," Eve said with a heavy sigh. "Since when do we ever get what we really want?"

I opened my mouth to respond, but she jumped off and pulled off her top to show her bathing suit. 

"This is getting too depressing for me," She said reaching her hand out towards me. I could see there was a glaze over her eyes, as if she was trying to hold in tears. "Come on let's go swimming."

I looked at her and and bit my lip, "I'm sorry, I can't."

Eve just shrugged and headed towards her friends. 

I watched the pack play and splash with only a mild interest. The waves just made me more nauseous  I spent the rest of the afternoon watching the clouds and feeling my skin burn. 

When the sun went down, the drinks came out. Jared had brought his guitar and started strumming while Theo and Andy started a campfire. Eve and Beth had started preparing food to cook on the fire while the rest of us started playing drinking games.

"Matthew! You were the last to touch the ground drink up!" Kathy said, already showing signs she was drunk herself.

"No way! Jonah was definitely the last one!" Matthew pointed a finger at me.

"Oh, right," Kathy said as her face turned a shade of pink. She turned to April and then to Matthew like he'd said something offensive. She took another gulp of her beer,"Didn't know if you were playn' or not. Drink up."

"Haven't played in a while," I waved my bottle in the air before taking a big gulp. She was uncomfortable, almost everyone was. The best I could do was pretend that it didn't affect me. 

Although my body would disagree. Asher and I were definitely more than a mile away and I could feel it. I wanted to go back to the house and lie down, but that would mean, in a way that he won. 

I took another chug of my drink and Theo came to sit down next to me. He smelt of firewood and I leaned closer to him to get another whiff.

"Hey," He said scooting closer to me. 

"Hey, you smell nice," I commented as he opened a bottle of beer for himself.

"And you sound drunk. Cheers to catching up," Theo clinked his bottle with mine and chugged half of it down. 

The games and drinking continued until dinner was served. 

"Wow, Eve, Beth, this is amazing!" Theo said scarfing down his portion like he'd never seen food before. The rest of the pack agreed and we all made similar remarks.

"Thanks! It's called Shakshuka," Beth clarified. "My family would make it when ever we would go on long camping trips.

"Tomorrow, I'll try and find a way to fix you." Theo said once were back in the house. He stumbled as he pulled off his shoes.

"I'm not broken, Theo. This is just life." I let out a heavy sigh. I mild headache had started to form and I was glad we left the group when we did because I wasn't sure how much more I could stand.

"No, it's not fair! You don't deserve this."

"Are you saying, I don't deserve to be happy?" I was drunk we shouldn't be having this conversation.

"No," Theo frowned. "That's- That's not what I meant."

"He's my Destiny Mate!" I said raising my voice. "Whether I wanted it this way or not it's happened and there's nothing you or I can do about it!"

I turned to go to bed, but Theo grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.

"What-" was all I could say before he kissed me.

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