Heavy Contemplation: Part Two

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I stopped about a mile away from his house and I could just see the rock wall. I was lucky it was still warm out. For a while I just watched the moons reflection against the ocean waves as the sounds of water crashing onto the shore lulled me to sleep.

Soft waves quickly turned into dangerous tides and my dreams were replaced with a familiar nightmare. I felt the water over take me and fill my lungs. I tried to climb to the surface, but just before I could catch my breath another wave slammed into me.

And then it was all over. Only this time, when Asher arrived to rescue me, it actually felt like he was here. I could hear his heart beating next to mine and I could breathe again.

Asher was safe. He was warm and I never felt the need to question his relationship to me. There was no right or wrong with him. There just was us.

My thoughts didn't remain this way when I woke up. In fact I was pissed he was by my side. The Asher in my dreams was nothing like the real version. In my dreams he cared for me, was sweet and fearless. In reality, he questioned me and judged everything I did.

I was just some unlucky circumstance that messed with his work.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked trying to scoot away from him, but the minute pressure hit my hand, I seethed.

Asher caught my reaction and sniffed at my injury. There was no blood, but the knuckles were a pretty shade of purple, before he could lick it, I shoved my good hand at his muzzle.

"Don't feel sorry for me. I'm fine." I huffed and moved my hand closer to my chest. "Also, I would prefer it if you shifted, I'm not a fan of one sided conversations."

Asher whined like a husky not getting enough attention.

"I can wait." I said standing my ground.

"Are you at least going to tell me what happened?" Asher's human form loomed over me. His muscles were taunt and they flexed in frustration as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I nearly gulped with the deep rooted desire to touch him.

The hardest part about not being with your mate, wasn't the stomach cramps or the strange longing for their company. It was being so close to them, and yet having to force every fiber of your being to not pounce on them every second you were with them.

If I could shift my emotions from lust to anger then it would be easier to ignore my needs.

"And if I decide, I don't want to tell you what happened, then what?" I glared at him he was being too nosy.

"I am your mate, I have a right to know." He said taking a step toward me.

"Oh sure, first it's a right to know everything I do, then it's a right to micromanage my life."

"What! No!?" Asher shook his head at me. "We both know that's bull, so just tell me the truth."

I chewed my lip. Okay maybe I was being a little extreme.

"You won't like what I have to say,"

"Quit stalling," He grunted.

"Theo kissed me and I then I punched him in the face when things got too heated."

I watched Asher's face drop, before it shifted into an expressionless facade.

I wondered if it was a mate thing to see through the cracks of his mask. Either way, I knew what I said crushed him and it left a strange pit in my stomach, like I had just went on a roller coaster too soon after eating.

Yet, I knew I'd feel even worse if I lied to him.

Before I knew it, things had escalated between us and I was seconds away from just throwing the towel in and finding a new spot on the beach to wallow.

"Fair point, what about a run instead?" Asher asked with a surprisingly eager tone.

"Run?" I tilted my head.

I knew it was an attempt to stop me from leaving, but it was so random and not what I expected of him that it caught me off guard.

It was almost... Cute in its own way.

The thought of Asher cute made me want to mentally slap myself and it was enough of an incentive to refuse his offer. Before I could watch his expression drop once more, he shifted back into his wolf form.

I let out an exacerbated sigh when he finally left. Not a minute had gone by and I could already start to feel my stomach churning.

I wiped his saliva off my face and let out a small chuckle.

He was a bit of a weirdo.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when a familiar scent caught my attention.


"Hey," I said pressing my lips into a firm line.

All the anger I held in from last night, had bubbled back to the surface. 

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