"I'm sorry!" I said with a full mouth.

"Veronica is cryyyyying. We were talking about how the end of the school year is less than a month and I explained a lot. Including about how you're not gonna see her as much. She's bawling" Jennifer texts me.

"Is that Jennifer?"

"Yeah.." I said concerned with what jen just texted me. "Wait I'm gonna call her. I'll be back" I said and left everybody to talk to Jennifer.

"Do you hear her?" She says through the phone as I hear Veronica whining. "Oh no..that's bad" I said.

"Yeah. I think we need to have another lunch date with her. She took it to the heart"

"Put her on the phone" I said. "Mmkay just a second" she says.

Then Veronica answers.

"Hi baby. What's wrong?"

"M-miss Leah.." she cries.

"Yes it's me. Why're you crying?"

"Because I don't wanna l-leave. Ima- ima-" she pauses and sniffles a lot.

"Listen mama. I'll still see you all the time! I'll make sure I visit you everyday and I'll take you out to have a girls day! You'll see me a lot I promise."

"You will?"

"Yes! But if you keep crying I won't" I teased. "Okay I'm not crying" she muttered. "Good. Tell your mom to send me a picture of you smiling so I know you're not crying anymore"

"Okaaay" She says. "Love ya kiddo"

"I love you back" she says to me. Then I hear jen on the phone. "Okay magician!" She giggles. "I told her to tell you to take a picture of her smiling and send it to me so I know she's happy again"

"Okay I'll send it to you. Thank you so much. She was really throwing a tantrum."

"No problem girl. I'll text you. I'm out with Clarissa right now and the friends"

"Oh okay have fun! Bye"

"Bye" I said. Then I walked back to them and sat by Clarissa again. I look at my phone once more and see a cute picture of Veronica smiling but you can tell she just finished crying.

"Gorgeous smile❤️❤️" i replied.

"So you guys are official now or you're still with Jennifer? A threesome? What's this?" A gay friend asks. "No were not a threesome and Clarissa and I are dating if you must know. If it isnt obvious" I said with an attitude.

"What happened with Jennifer?"

Everyone knows by now what happened between us except him and he's really going to ask that now? In front of Clarissa? Dumb.

"It just didn't work out. We're still friends."

"Jennifer's a sweet woman. No drama here" Clarissa says. I look at Clarissa and smiled and held her hand. I'm enjoying the time I'm spending with her. I'm not falling for her fast like I did with Jen but I'm getting these vibes that I'm loving.

"Why do you always gotta speak out of term like that? It's none of your business" another friend says to him. "I'm sorry! I was just curious" he says. I shake my head and look at Clarissa and chuckled a bit. "Please don't mind him" I tell her. She smiles and lays her head on my shoulder and plays with my fingers. Eventually locking fingers.

Later after the night ended, I went over to Clarissa's place. We just went straight to her room. I've never been to her place actually so I'm sitting at the edge of the bed since it's my first time here.

"What time do you have to go?" She asks me. "Doesn't matter" I shrug. "Okay" she smiles and takes off her jacket and shoes then hops in the bed kneeling by me. "Be comfortable! Feel like you're at home babe" she says. I giggled and fully sat on the bed and faced her. "Okay facing me won't be fun. I'm tryna have us watch some Netflix" she says. "Oh okay" I giggle and sat next to her leaning back against the head board. I look around adoring how cute and neat her room is. She barely has clutter. Everything is fully organized and it smells nice in here.

She gets herself comfortable and makes me lay down She she can lay by me and wrap her legs and arms with mine.

"Is this movie fine?" She asks me softly. "Yeah it's fine" I said. She smile at me and I did the same. We just kept our eyes at each other's. Then her eyes go down to my lips. She softly bites hers and cups my face. Then she looks into my eyes again and gets really close to me. The feeling I'm getting is butterflies. This is our first kiss that's about to happen.

Her lips touch mine slowly for a few seconds. Then she kissed me again in a more passionate way. I feel her hand slide down my side to my waist as we continued to kiss. It's crazy how this is our first kiss yet it feels like it's so normal to her as if we've done it before. I've learned about her and I know shes had a lot of past relationships but she's a sweet girl. I know all those relationships weren't her fault. She's not a player. But this seems so easy for her. I'm more of a girl who wants a committed relationship and not just hook up for fun.

"Already?" I ask her as I feel her hand down my inner thigh. "You don't wanna?" She smirks and licks her lips. "I mean this is the first time we've kissed and were already gonna.."

"You don't think it's been long enough?" She asks. I shrug and just continued looking at her.

"I'm craving you. I've always thought about doing things to you and I've been so happy just spending time with you. We've had a lot of dates already. Don't you think it's right?" She asks. It's hitting me in a weird way that this just feels..weird. I like her a lot and I see us having sex in the future, but right now doesn't feel like it's the right time to. I feel like we're just still at the talking stage because we're still learning about each other.

"I know it didn't take you this long to have sex with Jennifer" she says. I furrow my brows. "Jen? What does she have to do with this?"

"Come on. You know even though you guys are broken up that she's sexy. She looks like she knows what she's doing trying to show off how hot she is. I don't blame you for dating her which is why I don't get jealous of her. I'd do her too" she giggles. "Clarissa.." I said. She slides her hand to caress my ass.

"Babe she had me wait for so long just to have sex with her. But that doesn't even matter. I don't know why you have to bring her up. And don't talk about her like that. She's a mother" I said.

"Yeah so it's okay for you to find her attractive?"

"What's up with you? I've never seen you like this" I said. "Nothing! I just think tonight should be the night. But the feeling is going away now" she says.

"Well good because I'm not in the mood" I giggled.

"Fine..I'm still gonna kiss you."

"Okay" I giggle and she kissed me. Even though something doesn't feel right even more. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

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