Chapter forty

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~Francis POV~ (you were not expecting that!!!)

I should not have been so rude talking to him. I should have tried to understand what he was trying to do. I am such an idiot. "Arthur?" I called. No answer. "Wake up now!" I yelled, driving Faster. Once I finally arrived at the hospital, I nearly jumped out of the car nervously. I parked and opened the back seat to pick Arthur up. "Oh god," I cried seeing blood stain the suit that he had worn. "Come on! We are almost there" I tried to smile at him. I held him in my arms and ran inside the hospital.

"I need help! He is wounded!" I shouted as people rushed to his aid. "We can take it from here," a nurse told me. "Arthur...." I said, seeing them put him on a stretcher. I nearly fell to my knees in shock. I took out my phone and dialed Antonio's number.

"Hola Francis, aren't you on a date right now?" He asked through the phone. "I could not save him," I said horrified. "What!!!? What happened? Where are you" Antonio started to freak out through the phone. "I do not want to lose him. I love him too much for that" I cried through the phone. "Francis, where are you?" Antonio asked worriedly. "The hospital," I said shortly. "We are on our way, hang tight," Antonio rushed worriedly. I hung the phone up, standing to my feet finally. "Sir, you can't go back there" a nurse stopped me from following where they took Arthur. "But-."
"Just take a seat," she told me pulling me to a seat. I sat there staring at the blank wall and wondering what I have done to cause this.

"Francis, where is Arthur?!" I heard Alfred's voice call. I turned to the source and saw everyone look at me. "All of you came?" I asked, confused. "What happened?" Lovino asked, frustrated. "I did not know he could not say how he felt. Once I found out.... everything, I was.... mad at him and did not let him ex...explain. I am so stupid" I started, but Lovino slapped me across the face really hard. "Get it together you French bastard," he told me.

"Now, spit it out" Lovino tried to get me to calm down. "The lady was about to kill me, but he jumped in front of me" I finally said making their eyes widen. "So you said it? You told him how you felt?" Antonio asked, and I nodded. "That is good," Kiku said happily. "But why did she attack the both of you?" Feli asked. "She said Arthur broke the rules by saying he loved me back, wait, how did you know about it?" I asked.

"Because we were trying to help him to get you to say it, but it was hard," Antonio explained, making me nod. "I am stupid" I laughed out a bit. "We know, but it is okay. All we can do now is hope Arthur is okay" Gilbert started to part my shoulder reassuringly.

That night, I could not sleep as I waited for word about Arthur. The others fell asleep while I paced around in circles waiting for something. "What is your relationship to Arthur Kirkland ?" A nurse came up to me asking. "He is my .... fiancée" I lied so I would not be prevented from seeing him if he was okay. "I am sorry, but he is in critical condition right now. One of his vital organs was ripped open. He is still going through surgery still. We won't know his final condition till the morning," the nurse told me concerned.

"Okay, thank you for letting me know" I nodded nervously as she left. I should at least try and sleep. I sat down on a chair and looked around the room, sleepy. "What will I do?" I asked myself sadly. "I know what you can do," I heard a voice say from beside me. My eyes widened as I turned my head quickly to the person. It was that old hag. "What do you want?" I asked angrily. "Calm down," the witch laughed. She was squeezing my cheek.

"Let's talk" she sat back in the seat, smiling. "About?" I asked, trying not to wake the others up. "Listen, I can end it all for him right now if I wanted to. I took the knife out so he would have a 50/50 chance of living," she explained. "Why would you do that?" I asked, confused. "I meant to stab you, but seeing him jump in front made me have some small sympathy for the both of you. So I took it out" she smiled as if she did me a favor. 

"What do you want then?" I asked. She looked at me, smirking. "Take his place," she said plainly. My eyes widened at this. "What?" I asked shocked
"I will allow him to live if you take his pla-."
"I will do it," I said, cutting her off. Her eyes widened, and a smirk appeared across her face. "Good choice," she laughed, standing up. She disappeared, snapping her fingers as I looked around, confused.

Suddenly, two women ran into the waiting room. "Sir, he made it!" The women came to me cheering. I stood up in disbelief. "Can I see him please" I begged? One of the ladies nodded, pointing in a direction. I stopped suddenly, though. I looked back to the others, smiling slightly. "Everything will be okay" I smiled at them in their sleep.

I started to follow the nurse in urgency. "He is there" she pointed to a window. I walked up to the window seeing him asleep with wires attached to him. "May I?" I asked, and she nodded. I walked into the room and sat near his bed. "I am so glad you are okay" I smiled, a tear leaving my eyes. "I love you, Arthur," I added, kissing his forehead. I sat back in my chair as I started to get sleepy.

It is not over!!! Just read more! I promise it is worth it!  I will make another update around 12, maybe. Thanks for reading so far!!

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