Chapter six

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"Wake up"
"Wake up!"
My eyes opened at the shout seeing someone in my bedroom. "Ahhhh!" I yelled, falling off my bed. "What?! Who are you?!" I asked, getting a shoe to protect myself from the intruder. I have no idea what to do. "You probably don't remember from the other night," the person said, sticking a hand out. "Get out of my house before I call the police!" I said, throwing a shoe at the person, but it went through them. "What the?" I said, shocked at this. "You can't hurt me," the person said, unveiling themselves to show a woman with long brown hair. "My name is Elizaveta; I am the one who gave you this new sight" she smiled at me.

"You did this to me?" I asked, confused, putting the other shoe down. "Yes, you like?" She smiled, sitting on my bed, crossing her arms, and staring at me. "No..?" I said, unsure. "Listen, I will only keep this up longer unless I get bored or if it is actually interesting to see what happens," the woman smiled at me with a grin.  "What am I supposed to do now?" I asked, confused. "Well, you know who your soul mate is, but do you really?" She asked, lifting her hands. "That makes no sense," I said, confused as she rolled her eyes.

"I mean, you know who it is! But what will you do about it, lover boy?" She laughed at me, standing up. "What?" I said, confused again. "White people are so dumb" she laughed shaking her head. "Hey!" I defended. "Get him to fall in love with you, that is.... if you want this sight to stop. I just want to warn you that it will get worse. I bet you have been feeling the urge to push people together. If that happens, you would turn into this psycho Cupid who wants people to find their soul mate" she pointed out and I remembered wanting Kiku and Alfred to kiss out of frustration.

"All I have to do is get him to fall in love with me?" I said, unsure "wouldn't that be bad?" I asked, confused. "Depends on how you look at it. He is your soul mate; after all, have fun with it. I will be watching" she smiled at me winking. "What if I can't do it?" I asked worriedly. "We will see. Let's hope your hopeless romantic side comes out. Maybe that would help" she gestured to me up and down.

"But if you somehow fail..... I get to keep your soul," she laughed, making my face drop. "What?! How is that fair?" I asked holding my hand to my heart petrified. "Life is not fair, sweetheart. So get to it" she laughed, lifting her hands. "Wait-." I did not get to finish my sentence before she snapped her fingers and disappeared. A piece of paper fell, and I rushed to pick it up. "Francis number," I said looking at the napkin that he gave me with his number on it.


I could not sleep after that encounter, so I paced around my room, waiting for it to be time for me to go to work. I really need to talk to Kiku about this. He seems like he might know more about this than anyone else. I had arrived at work earlier than a lot of people as I waited for Alfred and Kiku to get there.

"Kiku! Finally! The lady! She came to my bed last night," I said, whispering that last part and looking around. Alfred lifted his brow as Kiku listened to the story. "Well? What are you waiting for?" Kiku said, confused. "For what?" I asked unknowingly. "The only option is actually to get him to fall for you. Or she will take your soul." He explained "I know but... I don't know anything about that man." I said, nervous. "That is why you get to know him. You said the both of you exchanged numbers. Why not invite him out for drinks tonight?" Alfred suggested. I looked at him, thinking about it for a moment. "What are you afraid of?" Kiku asked me earnestly. "I just... I have never had a chance to experience this sort of thing....." I looked away, embarrassed hearing Alfred starts to laugh at me. Kiku hit him, making him stop laughing quickly.

"Well..... maybe you need some practice first. Some dating advice" Kiku suggested.
"But I-."
"No butts! Your life is on the line, and you should really be more mature about this and get it together," Kiku cut me off, lecturing me. I was so shocked. "You are the only one who can save yourself from this. Francis won't fall in love with you if you do not try to get to know him first," Kiku added as we started to walk to our desks. "He does have a point, bro, I know you are scared, and we are worried too, but you are the one that really controls what happens in the end," Alfred added, making me think about it for a second.

Alfred started to drink his water as I talked. "Kiku, go on a date with me!" I said, making Alfred spit his drink out. "Hey!!" Alfred argued, "it is for practice; you can come too," I said, looking back to Kiku. "Alright, Fine, at lunch, we will do a practice round, and I expect you to call Francis," Kiku ordered, getting his papers together. Usually, I would be the one lecturing, but now it is like we switched roles.

"So, how do you plan to ask him?" Alfred asked, looking at me. "Well, I can say we are all going out for drinks, and he can invite his friends" I laughed nervously as they both stared at me, annoyed. "What? I have to start somewhere," I defended, looking at my work. "The only thing I have a problem with is that she expects you to love him back. Like anyone could get someone to fall in love with them. But if they don't love that person, what is the point?" Kiku added, and I thought about it more. He has a point, and although I am hoping to find the right person. Being forced into it does not help. Especially if my motive to get another person to like me is to save my own skin. I wonder if this is even the best option to go through with.

Thanks for reading!!! More updates tonight

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