Chapter fourteen

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"We need to come up with a way to move things along faster," Alfred thought. "I was thinking. I know I really need him to love me or whatever, but what is the point if I don't love him back? Do you think maybe that lady will still come for me?" I asked, and they looked at me like they did not think about that part. " you love him?" Kiku asked. "That is the thing you know....." I laughed nervously. "So you don't know?" Alfred asked, and I nodded. "If I am being forced into it, it can be hard to do that, especially if my motive is not innocent," I added, and they nodded. "Well, it will take time. Of course, it won't be done in a day," Kiku added. "I know, but I hope it would not make things harder for me," I say sadly, looking to my work. "How about as the next step, don't try so hard, just let things flow naturally. I am sure it will work out," Alfred added smiling. "I sure hope so," I added, starting to work.

"Arthur, someone is here to speak to you" the receptionist came to my desk. I looked at the time quickly so I could know how much time I have left till lunch. Luckily I did not have long. Alfred and Kiku looked at me and smirked. They are really odd. I walked out into the lobby, following the receptionist lady. "He is over there" she pointed. I turned my head in the direction and saw him there. "Hello, Francis?" I asked, surprised. "Hello, Arthur! We never got to have lunch" he smiled at me. "What? Really?" I asked unsurely, and he nodded at me. "Oui," he pulled my hand and led me outside.

"I know a great place to eat around here" he turned back to me, smiling. I nodded, letting him pull me along. "We can finally get to know each other more," he smiled as he pulled me into a small diner. We sat at a table, and he placed his chin on his palm, smiling at me. "What is it?" I asked nervously. "Nothing, I just like talking to you," he smiled.

"What will you have?" A waitress came to ask. "I guess I will have pancakes with some green tea" I laughed a bit at my choice. "I will have the same thing," Francis added, making the lady nod to leave. "So, do you still see the strings?" Francis asked. "Yes...sadly. It is but a curse" I laughed. "Have you tried to look yet?" He asked another question. "Actually, I found out by accident. You see the funny story. I was looking at someone else's string and saw it was connected to mine," I explained, giving vague details not to give me away. "Wow, So you already know?" He said, a bit disappointed.

"Who was it?" He asked, and I got nervous. "Ahhh, no one I really know," I answered vaguely once more. "If only I could see my own. Maybe it would make things easier," he added, smiling.
"Trust me; it is not all that great. Because you see people who are not with their soul mates, and it makes you sad."
"Arthur, if you could choose, who would it be?"
"Hmmm, That is a tough one. I do not have experience in that department to be a great judge of character."
"If I could choose, I would want them to be brilliant, attractive, have a rude attitude, and probably be clueless about everything" he smiled at me.
"Ehhhh? Why would you want someone like that?" I asked, confused.
"Because the small things they do or say make them even better of a person to love," he added on to that.
"I guess if we are doing a "build-a-soulmate" here, I think I would have wanted my soul mate also to be smart, nice, beautiful, and maybe try to piss me off sometimes, knowing I would still love them anyway," I smiled thinking about it.

"Here you go," the lady returned, placing our tea and pancakes on the table for us. "Arthur, we should go out more" Francis smiled. "Like with friends?" I asked. Francis shook his head and gestured for just the two of us. "Oh... if you want. I would not mind. What did you have in mind?" I asked, lifting a brow. "How about you come over to my place, so we can hang out" he suggested. "Oh? Like a sleepover?" I asked, laughing. "Sure, why not" he smiled at me.

"So tell me about yourself" Francis smiled. Wait! Dating tips. I have to act naturally. But I never came up with an answer to this question. "Well... I definitely like things. Well, in my free time I like to read...outside," I said, nodding. He chuckled a bit, smiling. "And you?" I asked, taking a bite from my food. "Well, I like things too. I like to paint in my free time" he smiled "Wow! That is amazing!" I said in awe. "Don't flatter me, mon Ami" he laughed as a light blush grew on his face. "I am sure you are amazing at it. Hell, you are probably amazing at everything you do" I smiled at him.

"Nothing, nothing. You are just very nice to talk to, mon cher."
"What does that mean?"
"If I tell you, you will probably forget" he started to laugh at me. Whatever... I will just look it up at home.... if I do not forget.  "I wanted to ask something else" he smiled and started to drink some tea. "What is it?" I asked. "I was wondering if you and Alfred had a thing going on between you too?" He asked, placing his cup down. "What? Eww no. He is like a brother to me, also, he has this huge undisguised crush on Kiku ." I explained to him. He seemed to smile in relief as I said that. Hmmm. That was weird.

Thanks for reading so far!!

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