Chapter twenty eight

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"Oh my god!!! What happened to you? it looks way more painful in person," Alfred came to me worried, seeing the bandage on my neck. "When, did that happen?" Kiku asked worriedly. "It happened after I got is a long story," I said sadly putting my bag down by my desk. "Well we are all ears," Alfred said Crossing his arms as they both took a seat at their desks.  "Well.... long story short... that witch took advantage of Francis's jealousy last night.... and he lost it.... to put it short," I said nervously. "What do you mean lost it? What did he do to you ?" Kiku asked as I sat back in my seat... twirling the dim red string around my finger. "He did not mean to do it so hard; it was not him," I tried to defend, and they looked more worried. "What happened?" Alfred asked seriously.

"He was jealous of the way Antonio was acting toward me. So he put the "moves" on me, But he took it a little too far. He was leaving me marks, but he bit down too hard," I explained a bit slowly. "He did that by biting down too hard? How did that happen?" Kiku asked, looking at the bandage. "The witch, she cursed him for acting so aggressively like that. I saw the look on his face. It was like he did not know himself. He left terrified," I explained, and they both nodded. "What else happened?" Alfred asked. "Well, he was afraid for me even to get close to him. I am afraid he won't try and talk to me," I added sadly, rubbing my forehead. "What do we do now?" Kiku asked Alfred worried. He did not know what to do. "I have no idea, besides maybe Arthur trying to talk to Francis" Alfred looked at me in a suggesting way.

"I can try... but I can not guarantee anything," I said, taking out my phone to call him. They nodded worriedly. I was worried, too; I literally needed him to live, but also..... I loved him too much to see him like this. To know that he is hurting. I did not care that he hurt me; it was not his fault. I have done things that caused me to act stupidly. That witch took it too far this time by hurting one of us like that. I swear on my life that I will beat her at her own game!

I was waiting for the phone to be answered and finally, it was. "Hello! Francis?" I asked worriedly. "Please stop calling," he answered, sounding miserable and hanging up. I looked at Kiku and Alfred a bit annoyed. "Did you happen to get Antonio or Gilbert's number? Any of them?" I asked, looking at both of them. "Feli gave me him," Kiku answered, taking his phone out. "Wait! Feli? You have a nickname for him?" Alfred asked heartbrokenly. Kiku rolled his eyes and started to write the number on a piece of paper. "What are you planning to do?" Kiku asked, sliding the slip to me. "I am going to find out where Francis is," I said, dialing the number on my phone, as I started to pack my things up to get ready to leave.

"Ciao!!" A happy Italian voice called from the other end. "Hi, Feliciano? This is Arthur. I was wondering if you knew where Francis was?" I asked, waiting for a response. It got silent for a bit until he answered. "I do not know, but Antonio and he both work at the same accounting firm. I can give you his number if you want?" He said happily. "Yes, please, that will be great" I laughed a bit soon after he gave me his number. "Thank you so much," I thanked, hanging the call-up. "What happened?" Alfred asked, looking at me dialing the other number. "I got Antonio's number. He should know where Francis is," I said, looking at them, but they got nervous.

"What is it?" I asked, not hitting the call button. "Are you sure calling him will be the best idea after last night?" Kiku asked unsurely. "No, but I need to see Francis," I told them, calling the number. I am determined to know if he is alright. "Hola?" Antonio happily asked. "Hi, this is Arthur. I know this is odd, but I was wondering if you knew where Francis was?" I asked, and he got quiet. "I am so sorry about last night, Gilbert told me what happened. I act stupid when I am drunk," he started to apologize, but I had no time to hear it.

"Yes, That is great and all, but can you tell me where he is?" I asked changing the subject. "Right.... he did not come into work today. He is probably at his house still," Antonio answered, making me do a celebratory fist bump in the air. "Thank you so much!" I thanked him before hanging up on him suddenly before he responded. "You got it?" Kiku asked, and I nodded happily. "Yes! I will be leaving early today," I said, getting up with my things. I put my coat on as I hurried out the door. I hope he is okay.

Once I arrived at his house I had no idea how to approach this. So I just rang the doorbell first. "Go away," I heard Francis's voice through the door. "Not until you let me in," I said demanding putting my hands on my hips. "I don't want to hurt you....again...please leave," his voice cracked saying the word again. Great, I do not know what to do now. I looked around, trying to come up with something. Until I saw a chance, it was an open window on the side of his house. "Desperate times call for desperate measures," I whispered to myself, heading towards the window. "God forgive me," I said, starting to climb through the open window. It took some time, but I was able to do it. Plopping onto the ground roughly, I looked around to see I was in the guest bedroom. I stood up, dusting my trousers, and started to look around the house for Francis.

Thanks for reading so far!!!

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