Chapter thirty five

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I just need to act natural; I laughed a bit as I stood in front of Francis's door. I looked behind me and saw all of them hiding behind a bush, giving me a thumbs up. "Please leave," I whispered to all of them, angry. Kiku took his camera out to take a picture and laughed, showing Alfred. "Now!" I said angrily, and they all got up sad, leaving. Holy hell!!!! I straitened myself out a bit and leaned against the wall, ringing the doorbell.

"Coming," Francis's sweet voice called, making my heart melt. How does he do this to me every time? The door started to unlock as I started to fix myself a bit and smile. "Oh.....Arthur?" He asked, surprised to see me. He looked at me up and down and smirked. "What is this about?" He asked, smiling. "Can I come in?" I asked in a flirtatious way, feeling stupid afterward. I hope those bastards were not screwing with me—this better work. "Yes, Of course," he smiled, letting me in. "You have been coming by a lot lately, is something up?" He asked me curiously. "I just wanted to see my favorite person," I smirked at him coming closer.

"Oh?" He looked at me, interested. "Tell me, Arthur.." he started coming closer to me. "Yes?" I asked, looking into his eyes. Francis chuckled a bit and pulled me closer to him. "Did Antonio put you up to this?" He whispered into my ear. I stiffened up and felt like I needed to die at the moment. "What? No," I asked, pulling myself away nervously. "I have to admit, it was very nice seeing you in this kind of attire, but knowing someone put you up to it breaks my heart a bit," he said sadly. "No! It is not like that," I defended, and he smirked to kiss my cheek sweetly.

"Be honest, Arthur, you love me.." he whispered. What do I do!!! We never talked about what to do if he asked me. "What?.... That is crazy," I laughed out, but he continued to laugh at my reaction. "Oh really? I hope you do not mind me kissing you then" he chuckled over me. What on earth has happened? This escalated extremely fast.

"No..." I managed to say as he pulled me closer into a kiss. "Why do you make me feel this way," he said over my lips, separating from him. I can't ask him what he feels. It could be bad. "I feel the same," I said, pulling him into a kiss. I hope that does not count. "I know something you do not know; I know" he laughed a bit. I separated from him quickly and looked at him.

"What is it?" I asked seriously. "I will explain tomorrow night on our date, which I hope you will still go to?" He asked me innocently. "Yes, I would not miss it" I smiled at him. "Now then, let me kiss you longer so I can savor this moment," he smiled, pulling me up, and kissing me. This is not going as planned at all. I wish I could get help from them.

Once I left his house, I had no progress besides loving him even more than I do now. He has not said it, and I am trying my hardest not to come out with it. Francis truly is a piece of work. I would marry him right now if I could. I breathed out deeply as I walked up the steps to my home. I had wasted another day when it came to this stupid game. Deep down though... I was content with even seeing Francis every day.

He was breathtaking in every way, I could be in his presence, and that would be enough to make me happy. I entered my house thinking about Francis and how much I care about him. "Snap out of it!" I heard a voice say. I turned to look, seeing that woman sitting on the couch. "What now?" I asked, annoyed. "Oh, nothing, just reminding you, that you have one day left." She laughed at me.

"Did you think he would fall for that?" She asked, shaking her head. "This is getting hilarious by the second," she tried to hold back another laugh. "It went fine; I am sure he is close to saying it," I added, taking off the black jacket and placing it to the side. "Heh, you never give up. You got spunk, kid; I like that," she smirked at me. "I am not a kid," I growled.

"Right, okay then. I will be watching you and your buddies very closely tomorrow. To make sure you are not cheating," she hissed at me. "Whatever," I started to sass, making her glare at me. When I first met her, she was different. Now she is a complete bitch. She came closer to me and smiled. "You know, if you want, you can just come with me. I will treat you very well," she purred, touching my cheek. I slapped her hand away and pulled back. "No," I said, disgusted.

"It was worth a shot; you were a cute one," she laughed, tapping my cheek. "Bye now," she added, disappearing. I started to feel miserable, knowing that if he did not say it, I would be dead meat. To think about how that could affect Francis breaks my heart so much. To know he will be sad makes me worry a lot.

Later that night, my phone started flooding with concerned texts from everyone. But I ignored them. I have failed again today, and I probably will fail again tomorrow. I hid inside my blanket, covering my head. I want to live long enough to tell Francis how I feel without fear of anything bad happening to either of us. I want to ask him on dates and make him breakfast in the morning. I want to have movie nights and walk around the store together, looking at furniture we could one day get. I want to.... love him.

Yo!!!! Thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰

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