Chapter nineteen

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The next weekend

"Arthur, I am so glad you agreed to this" Francis smiled letting me into his home. "Oh yes, it sounded like a lot of fun, so I did not want to miss out" I laughed setting my overnight bag down. "So the first thing I want to do is show you some good old-fashioned Movie flics." Francis smiled, pointing to some movies. "Please keep me away from nudity and sex," I laughed. "Only if you want to," Francis laughed, closing the door behind me. I left my shoes by the door and started to walk around a bit. "Now then! Let's get this movie night started" Francis smiled holding up some popcorn. I laughed at his enthusiasm, nodding.

(The movie scene they are watching)

"Kiss me. Kiss me as if it were the last time."

I started to fidget in my seat hearing the lines from the romantic movie we were watching. Why would he have us watch this one? I looked from the corner of my eye at Francis who was watching the movie seriously. I took deep breaths once the main characters started to kiss each other. I put my hand in the popcorn but did not realize Francis was doing the same. Once I felt our hands touch, I wanted to run away. What was this? A romance movie? This can not be happening. "That is my bad" Francis looked at me, smiling nervously. "The fault is mine" I reassured him as we turned back to the movie not saying a word. I wish Kiku and Alfred were here right now.

As I watched more of it, I began to get really sad.

Soon..... the movie was over.

"How could this happen," I said sadly looking at the movie come to a close. "It is alright, Arthur, it was just a movie," Francis laughed, trying to comfort me. "But...But" I tried to say, pointing to the tv screen. Francis looked at me and started to chuckle. He suddenly pulled me in for a hug. "What are you doing," I said sadly thinking about the movie. "I am comforting you. I knew you would like the movie" Francis laughed, pulling me closer. I felt him shove his face in the crook of my neck. "That tickles" I laughed a bit, trying to push him away. The ending credits of the movie played in the back as he continued to try and tickle me. "Hey stop" I laughed finally pushing him away. "What is up with you?" I asked, smiling a bit at how he was acting. "I just.....missed you," he said as he pulled closer to me.

Francis took my hand in his and stared into my eyes very deeply. "We should do this more often" he smiled close to my face. "Francis, are you trying to make me fall for you?" I joked, laughing at how close he was getting to me. Usually, I would be uncomfortable with this distance. But I have gotten to know Francis well through these weeks, and I trust him. Although I am supposed to get him to love me....... I figure....what is the harm if I start to love him instead?

"Oh, Arthur, if only if it were that easy," Francis smiled kindly at me. He started to place his hand on my cheek. "About the video" he laughed, and I pulled away. Of course, he was still on about that. I bet he wants me to do something embarrassing. "Oh god! Now it makes sense" I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms and looking away. I knew he was just playing with me. "Calm down, mon Cher" he laughed, a bit nervous. "What is it then?" I asked, annoyed now. "Go on a date with me, Arthur" he stated, making me widen my eyes turning to him. "What?" I asked, confused. "How about next Saturday at 8?" He asked, smiling. "Oh wait, you can not refuse this offer," he laughed, thinking about it.

Does he want to go on a date with me? Did he use those words in a sentence? To me....!!!! I have no idea what this means. Does that mean he likes me? Wait! He did not say it, so I should not get ahead of myself. "Fine," I breathed out, defeated. "Great, I will pick you up from your place, so be ready" he smiled, sticking his index finger out and touching the tip of my nose an almost seductive way. "Oh....okay," I said, mouth open from his movements. "You will swallow flies like that, Arthur," Francis smiled, coming closer to my face and closing my mouth shut with his hand. By then, I was almost cornered at the edge of the couch from how close he kept coming to me.

"Arthur..." Francis whispered. He was coming slowly....inches turned to centimeters as his lips started to hover slightly over mine. What do I.... do? "So, what movie did you want to show me next?" I said, cutting the mood in half. He stopped suddenly and smiled over my lips. Almost touching them. "Let's get a snack before we start the next one." He pulled away from me. His smile had caused me to turn red as I looked away nervously. Was he about to kiss me? Wait!!!! Did I miss my chance? Does this mean he sees me romantically? So many questions ran through my head as if I were about to explode. Francis stood up from his spot and held a hand out for me to grab.

"Come now, mon amour, let us find something to eat" he closed his eyes from the smile, waiting for me to grab his hand. I looked at him, regretting saying anything about the next movie. I am foolish. I turned my eyes to his hand, grabbing it, soon being lifted by him. "Maybe we can make some sandwiches?" I asked. "Sounds grand," he laughed, pulling me to the kitchen.

Thanks for reading so far. You did not have to watch the videos. But it helped set the mood.
Also I will try and update a lot today. It is the Fourth of July after all. (Happy birthday Alfred)

The red strings (FrUK)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora