Chapter twenty three

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The next day at work, I told Alfred and Kiku everything. I could not hide anything, especially with the marks on my neck. I even told them about my impulses being out of control. "You need to talk to him," Kiku said seriously. "You do not understand. I stared at him for a second and nearly lost it," I said shaking my head remembering what happened. "You need to risk it, you do not have a century to get him to say it. Plus I am sure we can all agree that he does. He just has not said it." Alfred added to the conversation. "What do I do then? The date is on Saturday. That means I have five days, including today to get him to tell me he loves me" I said horrified sitting back into my seat.

"I can not even tell him," I said sadly. Suddenly Kiku realized something. "What if you ask him?" Kiku asked Alfred, and I looked shocked. "She did not say I could not do that," I said, but Alfred shook his head. "No, she said no cheating; that counts. Arthur said that he has to say it first without him initiating anything. That option is out," Alfred pointed out to Kiku making him nod. I looked at both of them for a second. Something was off between them. "Hey.....did something happen between the two of you?" I asked, changing the subject. They both jumped at what I said and laughed nervously. It was apparent something was up. I looked at them. I looked at the strings that had a pink glow to them. I had never seen something like that before. "Did the two of you...?" They both cut me off. "That is not important! What is important is that if you have spoken to Francis since yesterday?" Kiku changed the subject.

"He texted ....a lot, but I did not bring myself to answer him. Hey, are you sure? It seems like-."

"Not important!"

"Yes! What Alfred said." 

"Now then! You are stupid for starters," Alfred added, shaking his head at me. "Why?" I asked, shocked. "Because you did not answer him! That is dumb! Text him right now!" Kiku demanded, and I nodded quickly, scared. I opened my phone and saw many worried texts from Francis, asking if he did something to upset me. I opened my keyboard to answer him finally. The last text he sent was an hour ago; damn, he must be worried sick.


Me: hey, I am so sorry about the other day, something came up, and I was too distracted to talk about it.

I sent the message while waiting, and he did not waste time finally answering either.

Francis: no! It is fine; I was just worried. Are you okay?

Me: yes, I should have answered a lot sooner, but I got busy.

Francis: I am just relieved you are okay now.

Me: again, I am sorry.

Francis: how about we have lunch together? We can talk more then

Me: sounds great! 12:30?

Francis: yes!!! See you then ❤️


I closed my phone, laughing a bit. "I assume everything went well based on the smile on your face," Alfred pointed out, smirking at me. "It did, Francis and I will be meeting each other for lunch," I added, fixing my papers. "That is good. Honestly, dude, I have never seen you like this before. I was ignoring the bad facts of the situation. You have never acted this way towards anyone," Alfred pointed out. "Well..... I actually like him," I admitted out loud. I started to turn red as they made some noises to embarrass me. "Awww, how cute," Kiku laughed, making me red. "Whatever," I said, turning away. "Though, you should be careful with that impulse thing. You could do something you will regret," Alfred said as Kiku and I nodded, agreeing.

"Sorry! I had to finish one last paperwork" I apologized to Francis, who was waiting for me. "Do not worry your sweet head about it," he smiled, laughing. I felt my heart beat fast seeing him again, so happy. "Come now" he held my hand pulling me along. I followed behind with my head down, trying to keep my cool. We arrived at a sandwich place and ordered food. "So you can tell me what happened," he asked curiously. I can at least be honest on the impulse part.

"That lady came to me again. She put another curse on me. An impulse one," I said seriously, seeing him become confused. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Well, if my emotion was strong enough. I could act on my impulse and do something that I would not plan on doing. Does that make sense?" I asked. He thought about it for a moment before speaking again. "Why would you run away from me, though-." He cut himself off after thinking about it. "That makes sense. I am pretty irresistible," he laughed, drinking his soda. I looked away, embarrassed. "You could have told me; I would have stopped....never mind, I understand completely," he laughed.

"You are not uncomfortable about it?" I asked, "no, why would I be Arthur?" He smiled, taking my hand in his from across the table. I feel like he is about to say it! What I need him to say. "Besides... Arthur," he paused, smiling at me.

"I lo-."
"Your order is ready" a lady handed us our food cutting Francis off. I can't believe that just happened! I was so close. "What were you going to say?" I asked, trying to get him to repeat it. "Oh... it was nothing," he laughed nervously, eating his sandwich. I guess I have to take matters into my own hands even if I embarrass myself.  "When do you have work?" I asked him. "I have work tomorrow at nine," he thought for a second. "Great! Come to my house tonight...." I said, rubbing his hand a bit in a seductive way. "What?....uh... with you? Alone?... y-yes," Francis stumbled on his words seeing me act this way. If I can't say it first, I will seduce him into saying it.


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