Chapter thirty one

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"You have officially wasted one week; I have no idea if you are stupid or dumb," Kiku started to sass "that was a bit harsh," I said sadly. "How did he not say it?" Alfred asked, confused. "I mean, I would have in that situation," Kiku thought. "I have no idea, I only have today and tomorrow to succeed, and I am losing hope. What if he actually does not feel that way about me?"I asked worriedly. "No!!! That would not make sense," Kiku said angrily. "I know, I know, I am just freaking out," I explained. We stayed quiet for a moment until Alfred spoke up. "You have to see him today," Alfred urged. "I know, I am trying-." I suddenly stopped getting an idea. "I am going to ask Antonio," I said, taking my phone out.

Me: hey, this is Arthur; I need a favor

"What do you plan on asking him?" Kiku asked in a worried tone. "For some advise," I looked to him. "Just trust me" I tried to ask. They both nodded at me as I waited for a reply.

Antonio: yes! What is it?

Me: I need advice, to help me with Francis...

Antonio: finally!!! He won't shut up about you; that is all he talks about. Arthur this and Arthur that. Finally

Me: yeah ..haha , anyway, so I need help

Antonio: right, when do you want to do it?

Me: tonight.

Antonio: uh... that is a short time.
I started to tap my fingers together highly nervous. "Anything?" Alfred asked a bit concerned. I shook my head and waited for something. My phone started to buzz really loudly that I jumped from the sudden noise. I looked at the caller and saw it was Antonio. I stood up quickly to answer it.

"Listen, idiot! Just tell him how you feel!" I heard a yell through my phone as I separated from it. "Sorry, that was Lovino" Antonio apologized from the phone. "Yo, Who are you talking to bro?" I heard someone yell from the back. "Arthur!!!" Antonio yelled back. I breathed out a little frustrated waiting for him to talk to me. "Arthur, can you come over right now? I had the day off today, so I am free" Antonio asked through the phone. I looked at my desk trying to decide what to do. "Fine, where are you?" I asked, looking to Alfred and Kiku, who were surprised. Antonio started to repeat his address to me as I wrote it down. "I will be there soon," I answered, hanging up.

"You are going?" Kiku asked, concerned. "Yes, I have finished with most of my work anyway. I will explain to the boss that it was an emergency again," I told them, but they looked unsure. "Call us later if you do not make it back to work afterward," Alfred suggested making me nod and pick my stuff up to leave. On my way out, I called a cab to pick me up luckily I only had to wait ten minutes, and it was another ten-minute drive to The address Antonio gave me. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door in urgency.

"Ciao Arthur!!" The door opened and I felt a tight hug around my body as they pulled me in. It was Feliciano. "Hola Arthur, sorry about suddenly asking you to come. I just thought you would want it to be easier to hear without all of the yelling"Antonio laughed seeing me. "We will do anything to help you out, especially if it is for our dearest Francis. Now then, sit" Gilbert came suddenly out of nowhere, pulling me to sit down on a chair that was in the center of the room.  I looked at all of them, confused as they surrounded me from the chair.

"Now then, let's get started," Antonio laughed, turning a lamp on and pointing in my face. "Can you not blind me?" I asked annoyed trying to cover my eyes. "No!" Lovino yelled making me jump back in my seat. "Big brother, go easy on him," Feliciano begged. "What are you doing?" I asked seeing Gilbert take out a magnifying glass and come closer to my face. "You have some killer eyebrows, dude; what are you hiding?" He laughed at me. "Hey!" I yelled, pushing it away and coving my eyebrows.

"Now for the questioning part."
"How much do you care about Francis?" Antonio interrupted me. What is with them? "I care about him a lot," I answered his question covering my face from the bright ass light in my face. "Would you die for him?" Gilbert asked. I breathed out a little frustrated. "Of course, I would; I love him. I could not think of anyone else to give my life for. He is very dear to me, and I ....would do anything for him, really," I confessed, looking away from everyone.

"You owe me 10.00€" Gilbert held out a hand to Lovino, who angrily put money in his hand from out of his pocket. "What?" I asked, confused as they turned the light off. "Let me show you," Gilbert laughed, holding up a tape recorder. He started to push a button, and it played back my words. I felt my face get hot as I stood up to try and take it out of his hands. "Please don't show him!" I said sadly. Would this count as telling him? What if they let him hear?

"Not quite. But anyway, why do you need advice?" Antonio asked as they all sat around me. They did that to screw with me—those assholes. " is a long story," I started, and they all looked at me curiously. "We got all day," Feliciano laughed, sipping a drink. "Fine..." I said, starting to explain everything to them. I was desperate.  I was left with no other choice but to ask for help from other people.

Thanks for reading so far! Also, the cover was changed because an amazing fan of the book offered to make one for me, I legit cried from happiness. Their Instagram info is @lisa_poo202
Please follow this amazing art account❤️

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