just a lazyday

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Geraldine pov

I called her for the fifth time and it still went to voice mail .I was confused of whether she was ignoring me or if she just didn't have her phone .Its so weird not having her around but what can I do ,after all it is her choice .I decided to call her for the last time and if it went to voice mail,I guess i would have to leave a message .It rang and rang and then

"Hi this is Jodiee sorry I missed your call but just leave me a message and i'll call you back ... "  sighing I hung up maybe I shouldn't leave a message. I've already tried calling her six times and no use.You know when  someone says that they will never leave your side ,that's promising isn't it . A lot of people have done that to me and a lot of people have broken that promise .Jodie broke that promise . I don't get it ,i just always feel like i gain friends but then I lose them .I mean do i have a 'BE FRIENDS WITH ME BUT THEN BACK STAB ME PLEASE !' sign stuck on my forehead or even on my back because that's all i seem to get

.Actually thinking about it Jodie is probably  with Josh and cant take any calls because he is soo important and precious.Don't get me wrong his good to her and all but i think Niall was better .I would have never thought Jodie of all people would  leave Niall for her high school ex-boyfriend ,i mean you broke up for a reason in high school ,Don't let history repeat itself but things just change ,people change.I talked to my Nialler the night they split which is almost two weeks now and he sounded like every single thing he had was broken and i don't blame him he thought he‘d found  his princess ,hell we all thought he‘d found his princess but i guess we all thought wrong .I don't blame Jodie either i mean she said there was no spark anymore and the truth is i‘m glad she broke-up with him because she noticed that she actually loved Josh whilst still dating Niall because i would have hated it if she carried on going out with Niall but she actually loved Josh.

More exciting news Harry and the boys are due to come home in two weeks except for Niall because he wanted to come back early and his reason was he didn't feel like travelling anymore and was just homesick but to be honest we all know its because of his broken heart .He will be here any day now ,he refused to tell me the exact date.lamo. I wont be the one picking him up from the airport.And as much as i love Niall ,i love Harry more and we talked every single day and i mean it , if we were not on Skype ,we were on the phone and if we are not on the phone then were texting each other and if we are not doing any of that then his on stage or  we are both fast asleep.I miss him so much its crazy and i cant even believe its been months since i said goodbye to him at the airport honestly to me it feels like years but i never tell Harry that ,I know just that would upset him massively and 1/5 is already upset and i don't want anyone else to be.

Lightning struck causing me to flinch.Stupid weather. I wanted to go out today but this England weather sucks its cold and raining really heavily outside and most of the shops are closed and i bet everyone is just hiding in their houses so no one is shopping or doing anything fun .I couldn't work today because of this weather so i just called in sick i don't do this often unless i'm really ill so they believed me and let me stay home. Its not really like a proper job cause i volunteer there but i like to think of it as a job because i have to take it seriously .

I work / volunteer at the nursery that's not that far from my house but i either have to get a bus or get dropped off .Though i could walk but it would take a bit of time. I remember telling Harry about this ,i was so excited and telling Harry about it made it even more amazing.I love working there and helping out i just feel useful and the little children are so cute though sometimes annoying and irritating i wouldn't want to change the job .Oh my mom is a nurse now at different hospitals and i also decided to volunteer at the children hospital but with them i can come in any time i am free and i also love it there .Today i have decided to stick to my or Harry‘s trackies ,well we share them but he doesn't know about that yet and Harry's oversized  hoodie. We don't share that but i really like it , its all comfy and it smells like him .Got my hair tied in a so-called 'messy bun' which took me ages because it had to look neat but a messy neat.I guess I'm having a lazy day .I looked at my phone and my laptop on the table trying to decide on what to use first ,giving up i picked my phone up and went on twitter.

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