Chapter 1

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'Geradine's POV'

"GERALDINE, GERALDINE!" I heard someone calling my name from downstairs. At first I thought I was dreaming, but then I realized it wasn't a dream. I woke up and to my surprise my mum, dad and my two brothers were stood there just staring at me. It was a bit weird even though it was my birthday. They began singing happy birthday which sounded horrible because no-one in my family could sing. In my head I questioned myself how could I not have remembered my birthday. Oh well I'm just not really excited for it, I don't get what I ask for. While they were singing I started wondering what did they got me, was it a phone? Or maybe the pretty shoes I wanted from Primark these questions were running through my mind. 

"Geraldine you are going to love the present we got you this year" dad said. I thought oh my god this must be an amazing present. He continued by saying "we all put our money together including your brothers!" 

"Ok!! Where is it?!" I asked impatiently. My brothers walked out and only moments later they came in with something behind their backs. "Show me!!!" I pleaded. They moved their hands to the front.

"Taa daa" Mum said with a smile plastered on her face,

"Oh my god! Do you not listen to me?! I asked for anything BUT One Direction crap! Jesus christ!" I said rather abruptly. My mum's smile dropped the same with my dads and my brothers. I shooed them out because I was furious. I said numerous of times for nothing to do with the. I grew out of them! I don't want tickets to their concert! I wouldn't even enjoy it! After I'd calmed down I went downstairs to apologize. "Sorry guys, I didn't mean to react like that. I'll go to the concert" I gave them all a closed mouth smile.

"You've got VIP tickets which means you'll get to meet them too" Mum said standing up and handing me the tickets.

"Thanks, I do appreciate it but it was just a surprise I guess" In a way I didn't mind going, it'd be a great experience and I'm in the VIP section! 

"Now get ready! The concert starts at 6! Here's some money, go buy some clothes and more make-up for the concert! You never know, they might like you" Dad said pinching my cheeks.

"Thank you so much!! I love you all!" I ran upstairs and got changed quickly. Running back downstairs, I grabbed my phone and the money before heading out the door. It was 3 in the afternoon on a Saturday. Rushing around the shops picking cute outfits and make-up, I checked the time. It was 5:30 in the afternoon! I ran all the way home in 5 minutes. Even though I was out of breathe I still managed to run upstairs. After 10 minutes of deciding what outfit to wear I chose some ripped light blue shorts, a white sleeveless crop top and a pair of black flats. my make-up was just 2 coats of mascara and a thin layer of eyeliner on the top of my eyelids. 

"Geraldine!!! Hurry up, we're going to drive you!" Mum shouted from downstairs. I grabbed a small black bag and ran downstairs. We got into the car and she sped off. The car journey was quite awkward though probably because of my outburst in the morning.

"I'm really sorry about my outburst mum" I said breaking the silence. The car came to a stop.

"We're here" She said smiling. I got out giving her a hug and running in from the cold that brushed against my legs. When I got in I saw Harry running through the reception. No one was there but me. He stopped and looked at me. I was shivering from the cold and he started walking over to me. I forgot how much I used to love him. His curly hair pushed to the right, his dreamy green eyes and his adorable dimples. I also forgot about how tall he was, how fit and toned up his body was and all his tattoo's. I just wanted to run up to him and kiss him.

"You here for the show?" He asked me while taking his jacket off and wrapping it around me.

"Yeah" I paused. "Thanks by the way" I smiled at him.

"No problem" He said giving me a smile back. "Lets see where you are?" He asked pointing to the tickets in my hands.

"VIP section" I said making myself smile.

"Oh okay, well I'll see you in the crowd then" He gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving me in the reception.

"Harry you forgot your jacket!" I shouted out to him with a smile plastered on my face.

"Keep it! You're meeting us after anyway!" He shouted back. I walked towards the receptionist.

"Err excuse me, where's the VIP section?" She looked up while chewing her gum.

"I'll get some guy to take you" She said rudely. She dialled a number and moments later a really buff man came and took me by my arm to the VIP section. There was only 4 people there at the moment. We were waiting for only 5 minutes until the concert actually started. Throughout the whole concert Harry kept looking at me. We were in the front row but it was closed off to the other girls and we had seats too. I was having a great time. After the concert we were taken one by one to see the boys. I was the last girl. As soon as I was taken in Harry got up and walked over to me.

"Here's your jacket" I passed him his jacket and he took it out of my hands softly.

"Thanks" He smiled showing his dimples. The other boys looked at us with a confused expression. "Oh I ran into her while I was on the run" He laughed.

"What's your name sweetie?" Louis said sweetly. "And whats your a Twitter name?" He asked.

"My names Geraldine and my Twitter is @GeraldineStyles"


So this chapter's short but the next ones hopefully will be a lot longer :)

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