Chapter 7

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So Geraldine's brother Donavan got involved in a serious accident and it was a matter of life or death this has happened before but it wasn't this serious , we all waiting at the hospital except Tanya and Zayn they went on a date ,at a time like this can you bielieve anyway Geraldine is just pacing up and down the waiting room.

"What if he doesn't survive this , what if he hurts himself ,or what if he won't be able to play rugby again she said this time with tears streaming down her cheek, Harry then went in to give her a hugg but she rejected it ,and this was very odd because she never rejects any hugs from harry no matter how angry or sad she was . She then headed for the door but before she got any further harry grabbed her wrist and says 

"Where you going ?he said looking straight at her tearfull eyes but she didn't answer him ,she just removed his hand roughly and walked off .Harry wanted to go after her but louis got involved and said

"Harry just leave her,she needs sometime alone ,she's just a bit sad and very worried "he said tapping harry on the shoulder .Harry then sat down with tears filling up in his eyes 

"I just dont wanna lose her thats all "he said with tears streaming down his red cheeks .You dont know how much i just wanted to go up to him and hugg him so tight and just wipe the tears of his face and make him smile and show his dimples . But i couldn't because i was too busy worrying about my bestfriend and her brother ,before i met Niall i had a crush on him but i never told Geraldine because she would have found it horrible anyway i was starting to get more worried about Gerry  so i desided to follow her ,so  i just kissed Niall on the cheek and and walked out going the way Gerry used and then i saw her talking to this guy i dont think i know him just to check i walked closer and as i got closer they hugged ,ok thats weird she rejected harrys hug and she accepts it from this random guy who is not even hot ,ok his a bit hot but still .

"You the only person thats understands what i am going through,the only person that feels my pain."Geraldine said which made me a bit annoyed because i am her bestie and i do understand we've been through this before .

"Yeah ,i dont know why we broke up,we just perfect together ,"this guy said .Wait a minute ,broke up? what ?they dated?, i looked close at the guy then i realised oh it was Josh ,eww i called josh kinda hot eww anyway Josh leaned in for a kiss like last time ,its like Harry knows when someone else is about to kiss his girlfreind cause he then walks up towards me and them but this time he was a bit late cause their lips had already colided and sadly geraldine looked liked she was enjoying the kiss.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON !!!!" someone shouted disturbing my thinking OH SHIT ,it was Harry and he didn't look happy at all. He walked up to them separated them from their kiss ,throws Josh on the floor ,sits on him and starts punching him hard like real hard .to behonest i started feeling sorry for josh ,so i decided to help him but just before i did he managed to punch Harry which made him fall right next to him ,josh managed to hit Harry again but i then ran in between them but Josh didn't notice quick enough cause he then punched me in the face ,it killed 

"OW!" I screamed so loud and this got Nialler's attention then he joint in the fight .

"How could you could you punch my JoJo "he shouted while kicking josh with the help of harry .I have never seen Nialler this angry ,i would go in and try  stop the fight but i am in too much pain right now.

"STOP ,STOP IT NOW !!! a crying girl shouted with her voice cracking ,the boys then suddenly stopped she then continued look at him,look at what you've both done to him ,JUST FUCKING LOOK AT HIM !she said  raising her voice .i have also never seen Gerry this angry before its probably because of her brother and the josh issue .these two nurses came and took Josh to a place i dont know and dont wanna know about .

"Just choose between us ,cause you cant love both of us the same ,there is probably one you love more .

"So ,what are you saying?"Gerry asked wiping tears off her cheeks 

"Just choose between us "Harry then added ,Soo who do you choose <cause i have had enough

"You know what harry ,i have had enough too so i choose , she then kept quiet for a while and well i started panicking a bit cause i wanted her to choose harry 

"I choose ,neither of you Geraldine then said while turning around and walking off.


I guess thats it ,i guess me and harry are through just because of my stupidness , i miss him already .Am at home ,on my comfy bed watching sponge bob square pants, we were told that Donavan would be fine  .I cant believe i said that though ,i wanted to choose harry but i was too angry so i walked off .Their concerts tomorrow and i am meant to go but i won't its too embracing to face him again.My phone then  vibrates oh its a message from Harry 

From HarryBoo<3: hey Geraldine,tonight was a rather roudy and weird night and i just wanted to say sorry for my behavior and if its possible we could be at least friends cause our relationship didn't work out and i need you here with me miss you already  ,love you always your harryboo.

Tears started streaming down my cheeks ,i didn't know what to say to him so i just put my phone aside closed my eyes and started thinking of all the ups and downs we've had until i got to this point ,i will miss him though

"Geraldine!, my brother shouted from down stairs your friends here to see you .At 1.00am must be Jodie so i wiped the tears off my cheeks and headed downstairs .

Wait a minute , it wasn't Jodie ,i noticed the curly brownish hair and the dimples that always make my heart melt ,it was..,it was HARRY ? 

What is here doing ,Why is he here ?


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