Chapter 11

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Hey guyz , chapter 10 was not interesting so i am gonna try make this chapter more interesting,i cant believe this i have 337 reads this is just amazing so thank u guyz so so much LUVS YA All MISYSTYLER79


Harry ,Harry wake up i heard a sweet ,calm voice say whilst shacking me gently and slowly .Her voice sounded calm but her eyes told me a whole different story ,she looked worried.

My eyes felt weird they were all sticky ,like i have been crying.

"Harry ,are you ok ?"

Gerry asked me now sitting up and facing me . She was still here ,did i not break up with her ,was it all just a dream whilst these thoughts were. racing up and down my hand i noticed Geraldine staring at me ,probebly wating for an answer to the question i didn't know .

Huh ,W-What ,sorry babe ,didn't get the question .she just rolled her eyes then said

"My question is are you ok ?"she said sounding a bit annoyed that she had to repeat the question over and over again .

Yeah ,i am great why ?

She then let out a sign of relief then continued

"Its just that you have been crying,twisting and turning and you keep on shouting my name so i got a bit worried.

I then was confused ,i pinched myself real hard to make sure i wasn't dreaming and i happened to be wide awake.

I let out a massive sigh of relief when i realised that breaking up with her was just a nightmare .

I moved closer to her ,managed to wrap my hands around her waist .

Dont worry babe ,it was just a horrible nightmare ,i kissed her on the cheek ,its just a nightmare now try get some sleep love .

Its been like two hours since Gerry woke me up ,i tried getting some sleep but all i can do is stare at the ceiling and think about dream.

"Harry " i heard a sweet voice say pretty low but i managed to hear .

Yes my babycakes ,i said

She chuckled to the word babycakes ,well i have never called her that before.

"You manage to come up with a cute nikename for me everyday dont you.

I just smirked at her.

"Anyway ... ,you know your nightmare ,yeah " she said

"Um yes " i said clearing my throat and not knowing were this was heading.

"Well,do you wanna talk about it ,maybe that will make you feel better "she said now looking straight into my eyes, i felt guilty.

No ,no babe dont worry about it am not in the mood of talking maybe tomorrow cause i am a bit tired today and with thoae words the room went silence .

I have to tell Geraldine about me and Clarity ,it was just a one night thing and we were all just celebrating then it happened ,i know this sounds really rediculious but i ended up falling for her ,i am in love with her, ever since i hooked up with her ,we have been seeing eachother and i am stuck in the middle ,i love Gerry but i like Clarity.Non of the boys know about her and i want to keep it that way cause if anyone of them was to ever find out they would hate me espesially Zayn , Gerry and him are really close they are like brother and sister at the same time bestie's for life.

I dont know what to do ,i dont want to hurt Geraldine because i loved her but i dont know if i still do love her.

I finally managed to sleep after all that stressful thinking and and all that horrible doughting.

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