Chapter 14- She wouldn't dare

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heyy guys ,umm i have 390reads this is just amazing i cant believe this ,so thank u guys so so much ,writing this chapter made me realise something i was meant to realise earlier on but just realised it now.Harry Styles birthday is exactly a day after mine i was born on the 30 of Jan and he was born on the 1st of Feb .i just thought i should write ,i kno this is stupid but i litteratly screamed wen i realised this ,anyway i hope u enjoy this chapter  ,i also hope its not boring ,too long or too short.LUVS YA MISYSTYLER79



Happy birthday to you ,

Happy birthday to you Harry ,

Happy Birthday to you "Geraldine sang as she sat on top of me

She has an amazing voice just wish she knew that ,i have told, her but she is too insecure ,dont know what for ,she is turning heads when i beg her to sing ,my thoughts were then disterbed

"Happy - we kissed - birthday -we kissed for like 10min -Harry"Geraldine said making me blush .

I just stared at her waiting for another kiss.

"Why are you staring at me like that" Geraldine said covering her face with both her hands ."Wait ,do you want me to kiss you"she then added making me nod a yes.

But she just shook her head in return ,"no more kisses for now , Harry now get up and close your eyes i have a suprise for you .

Harry,Harry ! ,wake up i heard someone say whilst shacking me gently .I opened my eyes and noticed the prettiest girls face only inches away from mine .

"What were you dreaming about "She asked whilst her lips brashed against mine

"Only the most beautiful girl i know,and thats you " i said blopping her nose.

"Obviously" she said sarcasticaly whilst blushing "That explains you smiling a lot" she then added

"So i was thinking,we just make today a lazy day until around 5 ,cause we're gonna go to the cinema ,just the two of us"

"Why anything special" i asked a bit curious of  what she was gonna say,i know its my birthday but i wondered if she knew cause she didnt say anything about it today.

But she should know she's my girlfriend right.

"Nothing special ,just a normal day ,Why?" she said with seriousness on her face

I felt my stomach drop to my bum,How could she not know ,i was sad and disapointed to behonest. I just cant believe her .

"Harry,Harry "Geraldine said whilst waving her hand in my face .

"Are you okay?" she then asked

"HUH?, W-what " She just sighed

"I said are you okay,you look a bit worried and annoyed and sad ".she then added whilst leaning in for a kiss but as much as i wanted her lips on mine i quickly rejected and then jumped out of bed and went in for a shower.I left her sitting on the bed ,maybe woundering why.

When i was done i grabbed my trackbottoms slipped them on ,grabbed one of my shirts and headed downstairs .Geraldine was sitting on the couch watching tv  ,she smiled and me and i couldn't help but smile back ,why does her smile have to be so contagious?

I have been sitting here staring at the tweets all my amazing Directioners tweeted my personal fav was from

@HORANHUGZ69- Happy birthday Harry i love you so much,wish you loads more.Hope you have a great time ,also hope you enjoy and may your girlfriend spoil you .Love You xx

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