Chapter 12 -I want you back

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~1year later~

Happy birthday to you

Happy bithday to you

Happy birthday to you

---she paused for a few minutes then continued--


YOU GERRY!!! she then shouted instead of singing.

"So what did you think ,did you like my singing.she asked making me chuckle .

it was good but y- she then quickly cut me off .

I most certainly dont wanna hear your but ,it always hurts my feelings .she said placing her hand by her heart.

Jod thats because i tell the truth and -

She then rudely interupted again "And the truth hurts"

I just smiled at her.

So what do you wanna today ,wifey? she asked sitting on the couch  with some popcorn.

Anything ,i said stuffing loads popcorn into my tiny mouth.

So you totaly dont mind if i was to choose what to do ,she said raising her eyebrows .

Um yea  totaly,i said swallowing the popcorn.

Ok then so for now we are going to watch a movie called ANGUS THONGS AND PERFECT SNOGGING she said shaking the case in my face.Oh that was mine and Harrys favourite movie ,i remember that night when we all watched it in my hotel room.I think Jod noticed that i was totaly zoned out and smiling because  

Earth to Geraldine! she slightly shouted clicking her fingers. Huh - w-what did you say anything i asked making her roll her eyes

Anything planned for tonight i asked taking a sip of her juice but imidiatly spat in out because

Yes as a matter of fact i do ,tonight we are going to a one direction concert .

God damn it Jod i nearly choked .

Um Jod are you forgetting i cant face Harry ever again .i looked at waiting for a proper reply

"Oh come on Gerry live a little,you are 18 now "she said gettting up and heading for her bedroom,i was right behind her .

Live a little ,Jod are you honestly telling me that .ARE YOU FORGETING WHAT I TOLD HIM !! i said  now raising my voice .

She just looked at me and said calm down you dont have to shout she said sounding pretty annoyed ,she knows i am not really angry i just like raising my voice to sound it.

Ok i told him ,I never wanted to see him again,never wanted to talk to him ever again,i told him i would forget he exisits .And he probably hates me and thats fair because i hate him too i said now sitting on the floor with tears heavily  streaming down my cheeks .

"Oh Geraldine ,dont cry cause you make me wanna cry and i have already put on my makeup wouldn't want to smudge it ,would we? And plus its your 18th birthday and we dont wanna spend the day crying our eyes out.

I just shook my head ,saying no 

"Thats wright ,now lets wipe those tears "she then said wiping my tears and getting up.I am going to start watching the movie ,come when you are ready ,ok love she said smiling and was about to leave .

"Oh yea and Geraldine , nomatter how many times you say you hate him,the amount of times you say you dont miss his kisses or i love you's or his morning voice or his voice in total ,the times you say you never wanna see him again.its all a lie ,you are lieing to yourself .i know you miss him ,you miss everthing about him ,i know you haven't moved on ,i know you wanna see him againg ,i know you want him back .i also happen to know you deffinately dont hate him you may say or you may think it ,but you dont .I know very well you dont wanna believe all this but its true . i know all this because i am your bestfriend ,i know you too well .

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