Chapter 3

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OK so i have 28 reads to me this is loads so thank you guys


"OH MY GOD!!, I cant believe this its Harry Styles hugging my bestfriend, i am speechless.

What should i say to break the awkwardness i thought .Then it came to me i would just ask harry for an autograph and he will ofcourse let go of her right.

"Um... so Harry can you sign my um.. , oh shit what should i say i thought out loud ,they both just looked at me and chuckled in sync . Did i just say that out loud i asked feeling so stupid and embaraced.They both smiled then Harry said

"i could sign your shirt if you want but i do need a pen " Um yah sure i added ,i ran inside quickly and fast because i did not want anything interesting to happen without me .I got the pen and gave it to him then he asked

"So what do you want me to write ", well anything you want as long as your names is init.So he decided to write (jodie you the best love harry) but he wrote it right by my boob ,this was awkward. i said thanx and was about to walk off then remembered NIALL.

"Harry is Niall here to " i asked hoping the answer was going to be a BIG FAT YES but instead i got this

"Sorry Jodie its just me ,the boys didn't come" what a disapointing answer so i just walked off ,then he stopped me

"Jodie he said if you want i could give you his number" YES thats better news.

"OH MY GOD !! i have NIALL HORANS number in my phone yay but i dont have credit to call him , THATS REMINDS ME ,I NEED TO GET CREDIT ,AHHHHHHHH!


SO my crazy bestfriend had left and it was just me and hot Harry .

"Oh yah that reminds me ,i got you this necklace ,Happy Birthday he said putting the necklace around my neck.

"Thanks i said turning around to hug him but then our lips then colided next thing you know our tongues joined in, i gotta admit as my first kiss it was amazing, the best.

We then stopped and both just smiled ,for some reason my heart was beating so fast and i was a bit excited i think the kiss got me hiper ,yippy.

"um.. sorry about that got a bit carried away " he said with a very cheap cute smile that showed his dimples .

"No promblem ,i said with a smile that showed no dimples cause i dont have them. wanna go in side i said .

"Yah sure why not ,he held my hand as we walked in . He then looked at me and winked ,which made me chuckle cause he cant wink at all.He then said

"Wanna dance ?", Should i say yes and imbarace myself or should i say no and make it awkward i just thought, but he din't give me the chance to decide next thing i know i was on the dance floor and i was doing quite well for a person who cant dance at all ,anyway i then heard someone scream but heard nothing else cause it was suddenly all dark and my head hurt really bad,was i dead?,no beacuse i did fadly hear harry shouting for someone to get help and and well i was in a very dark place. 


"Geraldine, Geraldine someone said while shacking me really gently and carefully, who was it? i tried oppening my eyes but it really hurt so this time i oppened them a bit slower din't hurt that much, i mannaged to notice his curly hair and his gourgegous eyes it was harry, i just smiled .He then said

"You awake ,thats great news" he said smiling. He then slipped his fingers through mine and made me melt a bit."I was a bit worried about you babe, you okay ? how you feeling?

Did he just call me babe ? i then aswered his questions saying i was feeling better ,and i was glad he was there with me.The nurse then came in saying i was free to go but i needed to take pills once a day for the rest of the week. I was happy i was going home but i do hate having to take pills everyday.

Instead of going home i found myself at a hotel and its the one the boys were staying in because i saw Niall and Louis sitting by the couch they both said

"Geraldine right? " oh harry has been talking about you ,how was the hospital?

"Um.. good thank you ,i looked at harry with a confused face ,what am i doing here? am i not meant to be home?

"Well no ones home so just decided to bring you here ,you have got your own room dont worry he then tosed me the keys and went into his room .Okay, so i went in ,a few minutes later harry came in and started watching a movie and i dont know how but me and harry ended up kissing and this time it was much much longer we then stopped and then he kissed me goodnight (on my cheek) and i think he left.

I just turned and saw him lying next to me ,"goodmorning sunshine he whispered into my ear .But instead of replying i was busy woundering if we slept in the same bed or if he just came in a few minutes before , he just looked at me and smiled for a minute i thought he could read my mind.He then said

"Get up we've got loads of things to do" he winked and this time it was not that bad.

"What were we doing today?I thought ,was i not  ment to go home,to behonest i dont really care i am spending the day with the best guy in the world.What more could i want.


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