"Perhaps tonight you would be willing to apparate him here? You could apparate him back before the Weasley's suspect anything." Bill's brows furrowed. Did he believe that they would not allow him to bring his pets.

"Of course, Master Draco."

"Thank you, Bobby. Ensure that the other house elves are sleeping enough."

"Thank you Master, you are a kind Master."

"No need to thank me." Draco said, and with a distinctive crack, Bill knew that the house elf was no long there.

A few minutes later, Bill knocked on the room. Not two seconds later the door was opened. 

Draco had grown. That was for certain. His hair was gold/white, and beautiful, his lean body, lovely grey/blue eyes. He was oddly similar to Veela in that way. 

"We were wanting you downstairs." Draco seemed to stare at him for a few seconds, before curtly nodding, and closing the door behind him as he followed Bill down the stairs to the living room.

He saw Fleur, stood before her, and bowed at his waist. Fleur giggled, and curtsied. Than, Draco took her hand, placing a kiss upon her knuckles. 

"Lady Fleur."

"Lord Draco." Draco released her hand and bowed once more, Fleur repeating the curtsy. The Weasley's watched in confusion. 

"Dude, what the..."

"...Hell just happened?" Fred and George asked. 

"Customary greetings. It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Malfoy."

"Likewise." Draco said softly. He gave a light smile to her. Fleur cocked her head to the side a bit. Suddenly she became tense. 

"Miss Weasley, would you be willing to speak privately. You and Mr. Weasley?"

"Sure, Dear," They said confused, but followed her nonetheless.

Draco was now left alone, in the middle of a bunch of males.

"Nice to meet you Draco." Charlie said, walking up rather fast, causing Draco to take a miniscule step back, as if to retreat, before he caught himself, and stood tense.

"Likewise." He settled for diplomatically polite. He was not extremely comfortable in front of these people, and with good reason, but he did not wish to disrespect them. So far they had been kind, but he knew from experience that that can swiftly change.

The silence that was set was incredibly akward. 

"Anyone up for Chess?" Ron wondered aloud. Trying to dispose of the tense atmosphere. 

"Against you? No way." The Weasley's said at once, before setting their eyes on Draco. 

"What?" Draco asked. 

"You play Wizards chess don't you?" Fred asked, starting to get excited.

"Well, yes, I do, but I do not see how..."

"You should play against Ronnikins!" George declared. 

"I am not entirely certain he would welcome my presence. I should probably return to my chambers."

"Nonesense," Bill said, chuckling, grabbing Draco by the arm and pulling him to the Chess setup. Draco closed his eyes and allowed himself to be steered wherever was deemed appropriate by the elder, stronger male.

"Get ready to be beat Malfoy." Ron said, a glint in his eyes. Draco just smiled slightly, before looking down at his chess pieces. 

A good half an hour later, and Draco had mercilessly anhilated Ron. Ron was staring gape mouthed at the board.

"They didn't even try to correct or confuse you? No advice! No nothing!" Ron said in shock. He narrowed his eyes at Draco. Draco rolled his eyes knowing exactly what was coming. Mentally counting down from three he waited until he reached zero, and predictably, the boy said something.

"you cheated didn't you?" He accused. Draco sighed, having had enough. He honestly was not in the mood for this. Standing, he dusted off imaginary dust from his robes. 

"No, actually, I did not. Contrary to your belief, there are others who are capable of besting you in a chess match. Of course, I can see why would would believe that I would have cheated. After all, I am only a Slytherin am I not? Capable of nothing but the most dark and dangerous evil." Ron opened his mouth, presumably to retort, but Draco cut him off.

"Look, Weasel, I am thankful for your hospitality. And honestly, despite the fact that I dislike humans in general, I do genuinely like your parents, and your siblings. You however, have just proved how prejudiced that you are. Not all Slytherins are responsible for their father's actions, though I have already apologized multiple times for those of my own father against your family. Apparently, however, the past will never truly be in the past. BOBBY!" A house elf instantly apparated into the room.

"Master? What is wrong." Draco ignored him. He turned to everyone in the room.

"Thank you for your kindness and generosity, but I believe the time has come where I have finally outlasted my welcome. I am sorry for any inconvienence brought upon your household from my stay within your home. Bobby, get me out of here. Take me there." He said, carefully disguising where he wanted to go, but ensuring Bobby knew where by the tone that he spoke it in.

"Of course, Master, would you like me to castrate the pathetic Weasley who insulted you too?" Bobby asked, with-the Weasley's noted-far too much excitement and happy tone of voice. 

"That will not be necessary. Just get me away from here. And all of my things, please." Bobby nodded, and with two snaps his fingers, Draco was gone, as were all traces of him, except for a defeated white chess king. Not, however, before they could catch a glimpse of tears in Draco's eyes.

What had Ron done?

Draco's sufferingWhere stories live. Discover now