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Upon reflection, Draco supposed Severus was correct about at least one thing. He was trying to avoid Blaise. While he would never admit to it, he was quite hurt that Blaise would betray him. Though he supposed there was good intentions, Draco would have preferred this would have been talked over, and he would have been consulted. He would have refused, and although there was still the thing of Blaise going behind his back, Draco would have known what Blaise was doing, and would have been able to intervene. As it were, Blaise caught him by major surprise, and he was rather irate about it. 

The betrayal was enough, but Draco had considered Blaise a rather close friend, that he would do something to him like this...it hurt. It hurt even more knowing that there was nothing Draco would be able to do to protect him from his Father's wrath, nor his family. Not that Draco particularly cared about the latter part. Either way, Blaise knew what he was getting into trying to go against Lucius Malfoy, it was a fools error, and Draco could only shake his head in agitation and upset over the fact that he had allowed himself to be swept away. 

"Draco," The aforementioned person glanced up to see Pansy was standing near him, not close enough to overwhelm him, and yet close enough that she could rush forwards a bit if needed. He could not help but glance about to see if the ever present Blaise was with her but he was not. I wonder how many people knew what Blaise was going to do, or if it was just him. Deciding to act traitor. It hurts, nonetheless. "Zabini is not here, Draco, I just...You have not been wanting to talk to him, so most of us have been trying to follow the same." I knew they would likely follow my lead. It is nice to see that I have not lost status because of this incident. Blaise really messed up the order of things, and that is something that I cannot really forgive. Well, barring the obvious traitor actions. 

"Ah," Was all he really managed to say to that statement. He did not really know what else to say. He knew Blaise deserved it for daring to go against him as he had, but a part of him also felt sad that he was being ousted. He deserved it, of course, Draco just had to keep reminding himself of that. It was a bit...different, though. It was different when he himself was doing the ignoring. He supposed this was merely a consequence. Blaise had to have figured what he was getting himself into when he tried to throw Draco's father into prison. While he was certain that it would not last, not with his other family there as well, he supposed in some ways, he could give Blaise credit for being such a bloody Gryffindor about it. 

"What do you want Pansy?" Draco questioned, gazing up at her questioningly. He knew that she was worried. It was definitely something one could see once they began to realize what her worry language was. It was the same for most Slytherins. They were not the most obvious people, they could not be. Not with the families that they had, the society details they were engaged in, and with the school that they were a part of. Showing worry, in anything, was definitely not something that Slytherins could afford to do. You learned quite quickly how to hide that. 

"I just wanted to see what you were doing. You have been avoiding the entire house. It is not good, you know, besides. I get tired of having to hear the others drone on about trivial things." Draco gave a slightly amused huff, rolling his eyes but pulling another chair out and offering it to her. 

"Well, if you are going to be wandering around you could at least put yourself to some use." Pansy squealed, clapping her hands happily. "Help me figure out what the..." 


Severus sighed heavily as he noted Draco and Pansy talking to each other quietly in the library. He nodded towards the librarian, who had offered to tell him if anything were to go awry. He was glad that he knew who he could toy among the teachers. Prying information was a delicate art after all. It was not something to be rushed. His wealth of information was something that had taken time to cultivate, and he was quite happy to finally be able to take his talents and apply them to something that would aid Lucius in not getting more angry with him then before. After all, it was one of his students who had been the one to place the man in a cell. 

He was also quite happy Draco was beginning to intertwine himself among the other Slytherins again. As much as he greatly enjoyed his godson's presence, he needed to be around his other classmates. That was clear. The other Slytherins, for the most part, were taking Draco's lead. He was glad Pansy was the one to make the first move, though, as if Blaise had been he had no illusions that it would not have gone well. 

He was also worried. What his godson had stated to him earlier was not lost upon him. He did not really know what happened among the Veela Realm with Draco, but he had managed to catch onto enough, and he was not really sure how to feel about it. 

It was a dangerous thing, to have these sorts of feelings. He had no illusions that they were not also entirely founded. The Veela Realm was convoluted, and very confusing to most. It was a difficult thing to figure out, and Draco was one of the first people to leave prior to the ending of the training and transitioning sessions. Severus was not entirely certain what happened there, but he knew that it was rare for someone to leave before the transition ended. Draco was one of the few who managed to do it. He did not think that it was going to be taken lightly. 

Draco's sufferingWhere stories live. Discover now