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"You were right about things becoming somewhat more complicated when in regards to the Veela realm." Draco stated upon the moment he entered his Godfather's study. Uncle Sev had clocked it ages ago, and yet he had refused to agree with him, outwardly perhaps but mentally Draco had perhaps hoped that he would not have to worry about the Veela realm anymore, particularly considering he had almost managed to put his shameful behavior to his past. He rarely thought about the awful circumstances that had led him into being essentially dragged into the Veela Realm, and by conscequence the things which had happened there as well. It would seem even that was a bit too much to ask for him. He was used to the worst things happening to him, of course, but that did not have to mean he had to like it, or could hope for other things. He was just not quite in the habit of projecting his desires upon what the reality would be.

"I see," His godfather stated, quite unhelpfully if Draco were to be honest. "I believe I spoke to you of this from the beginning, if my memory serves me correctly." They both knew that his memory served him perfectly fine, but that was no need to be so rude about it. Draco rolled his eyes at the sarcasm, but did not really elaborate, merely dropping himself into one of the armrests. He was getting himself quite worked up over something that truly was an easy fix, as opposed to certain other things. "What have you decided to do about this...unforeseen situation." Draco narrowed his eyes slightly as his Godfather, getting the distinct impression that he was being teased. Which he was. He could tell from the way the words were lilt at the last part. His Uncle had quite an odd way of teasing, but Draco enjoyed it, more often than not at least.

"I have agreed to meet them, obviously," Draco stated crisply. "I could very well do little else. Who knows what could happen should I refuse to agree to a simple meet. I cannot put myself at risk of endangerment again. This way at least I will be somewhat prepared." Draco could practically taste the tension in the air, but it was not an issue he was worried about. "Furthermore, it would not do to refuse, after all. Despite the lack of decorum they had been my hosts for a few weeks at least. Besides, this is a chance to levy leverage. Father would be livid should I simply refuse to see them for such idiotic sentimental reasons." Severus seemed to sags lightly as a darkened look passed through his face. It was gone just as quickly, but Draco had been quite adept at noticing these things, and he found himself somewhat worried for his Uncle. He knew that his Father's shadow haunted both of them, and the worry about what could or would happen in the inevitable future was terrifying. It was difficult for Draco to do anything to aid his Uncle though. For one, the elder was quite recitent at the best of times, and even these little get togethers are merely habits that they are having difficulty breaking.

"I suppose that is likely the wisest course of action, but Draco..." Severus seemed to sigh here, not sure what he should say, and Draco found himself unable to help but be a bit discomforted at the sight. Severus was usually quiet, but not for a loss of words. This meant that there was a situation that he was not aware of, or there was a piece that Draco was blinded to. He did not like having to admit that he did not have all of the pieces of the picture set. "It would be wise for you not to go alone."

"Who exactly would you have me take?" Draco questioned, folding his arms over his chest, narrowing his eyes at his Uncle. He did not like the was his Uncle was hesitating. This did not bode well for whatever it was that the other seemed to want to say. It meant that danger was quickly to follow, and Draco more than likely would not like what was going to be said. It left anxiety slowly filtering through his body at his Godfather's hesitation and as it continued, that merely began to rise and get worse. Severus seemed to clear his throat, getting over himself.


"Blaise?" Draco hissed, his eyes glaring and flashing dangerously. "What in the world would make you think that is a good idea?" He broke out, his voice trembling slightly. "I can't be seen around him. Father..."

"Your father has no way to know who it was that gave the disc that caused his arrest." Severus admitted with a heavy sigh. Draco sat back sharptly, his eyes widening at those words.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that the Weasleys definitely came into possession of the disc, but during the subsequent arrest and trial no mention of Zabini was made in any way whatsoever. Granted, we know that it was Zabini, and the Weasleys were told who gave the disc to the family, but during the actual reports, such things were not mentioned. Only that it was a Student from Hogwarts. We could easily state that we do not know which student it was, and whilst yes, I do think you should continue to punish Zabini for his daring, I do not believe this is enough to completely rend yourself of his friendship." Draco was staring in utter disbelief. He stood up, his throat not quite working to make words that he had no idea were. He just breathed heavily, turning on his heel to rush out of the room. 

Severus sighed as the door was closed to his study. There was nothing more that he could do, but he did hope that Draco thought of what he had said. As long as Zabini's involvement was kept from the ministry, than it should be more than easy for Draco to continue his friendship with the boy. Whilst he did need to be punished for overstepping his place, Severus knew that it was not healthy for Draco to rip himself of every friendship that he had made up until this point. Zabini had been one of the extremely close friends of Draco, and it was obvious that the other boy cared for Draco. This was something that Draco was going to need to have around him...people who cared. Hopefully that will keep fate from repeating itself once more. 

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