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"Dude, get up!"

A hand shakes me roughly making me roll over. The be covers were then ripped from me.


I sit up glaring ar my brother. He shrugged not really caring. 

"If you continue to sleep our brother is going to eat all the food."

I instantly got up running to the kitchen. Our mom was at the stove cooking pancakes and our older brother, Clover was at the table eating away. He had dark shaggy hair much like mine. His eyes were much darker than mine. He was two years older. My twin was the complete opposite of both of us. He was like our mom who hated their natural hair color. They died their hair all the time and currently my mother was a light purple and Ice's was bright orange with yellow streaking through it. I can't really blame them but we can't control the genes we get. Everyone in the family loves the warm weather except for Ice. He is always complaining about how it is too hot or that his shirt is sticking to his skin. 

"Rain, slow down! You are going to make yourself sick!"

My fork stops between my mouth and the plate. I slowly put the fork fully back down on my plate and finish chewing. 

"Sorry, mum. They are just so good."

Ice and Clover both laugh at me and my mom rolls her eyes. Our mom was so strong that we always looked up to her, our dad left once Ice and I was born. Clover said that he was a jerk so Ice and I try not to think about it too much. I think that is why we are so close. Other than the fact we are twins. Ok ok ok that plays a huge factor.

"Your teachers will have my head if you end up overly hyper because you ate too many pancakes. I better not get a phone call, young man."

I laughed and finished my pancakes, and grabbed my bookbag. 

"They shall never know."

And with that, I grabbed my bookbag and headed out the door. I heard Ice and Clover scatter to catch up with me. 

"Come on slow pokes, we need to catch the bus."

I ran to the big yellow vehicle and climbed on. Ice and I took our usual spots across from Clover. Ice and I were just started middle school. Clover was in eighth grade, due to Ice and I's overly high IQ we were placed in the same classes as Clover.

"Do you two know how weird it is going to be having my younger brothers in my classes and may I remind you, they are advance."

We both laughed and shrugged. 

"Don't worry we are both tall for our age, especially Ice. No one will even over think it. You can even say we went to a different school before this. I mean you could get away with that since we did just move here a couple of weeks ago."

Yeah forgot to mention that part. We move around, A LOT. For mom's job. She was a tattoo artist that was well known around the country and she just opened and shop in California. Los Angeles to be exact. 

"Trust me they are going to notice. We all have the same last name."

"It could be cool coincident."

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