I feel my hands curling into fists, a defensive reaction that I picked up whilst living with my foster family, but I don't act on my anger, I pivot on my heel and walk away from the two unpleasant humans.

We follow through all the necessary motions and make it to the part that has to be scored. We sit off to the side, with me a couple of feet away from everyone else. It's not by choice, but by force, as the others seemed to side with Frankie in her distaste for me. I shrug it off, I've been ostracized by meaner girls... and boys. 

I can practically feel the tension radiating off of Kai, almost as though he heard our interaction, though that can't possibly be true. However, he must have some inclination of what happened since I'm not sitting with the other girls and I hope he doesn't downvote any of them because of it.

I look over at him, watching as he murmurs something to Mason, one of the seniors, and another of Kai's friends. They're arguing heatedly, and I see Mason vehemently shaking his head 'no' before all of a sudden, Kai screams.

"Son of a bitch!" The shriek is a couple of octaves higher than his normal voice and I'm instantly on my feet jogging over to him.

"What's wrong?"

"I broke my finger," he whimpers, tucking his face into my belly like a giant four-year-old. "Can you help me get to the nurse?"

"Let's go."

I help him out of his chair and holding his hand, lead him to the exit door at the rear of the gym and once we're outside, we make our way to the nurse's station that's in the rear of the main office.

He allows me to lead him to the nurse, releasing my hand to cup his crooked little finger. He's wearing a silver ring that I haven't seen before, but I don't question it.

We walk into Nurse Hampton's office and since it is empty at the moment, immediately directed toward the first cot. "What seems to be the problem... Mr. Silverman?"

"I think I broke my finger," he says simply, holding up the hand with his injured digit.

"How did it happen," she asks. Nurse Hampton slips on a pair of purple rubber gloves and gently picks up Kai's hand.

Kai shrugs, the motion suspicious to my eyes, but Nurse Hampton just smiles with a nod.

"I'm sorry sweetie," she says, addressing me for the first time. "I'm going to have to ask you to sit in the waiting room for a second."

Kai narrows his eyes like he wants to argue but I nod before he has the chance. "Okay."

I can hear them talking behind the curtain, though I can't make out what they're saying.

So, in an effort to remain occupied, I pick up one of the many pamphlets that rest in a small rack.
I'm reading it, barely paying attention when my father and the older Mr. Silverman walk in.

"Rebecca," Mr. Silverman greets. "Is Kai alright? I just got the notification that he'd been brought in to the nurse."

"He's fine. Just a—"

"Not broken, just dislocated," calls Nurse Hampton as she pulls the curtain back. I've put it back in place and put a splint on it, but it should be fine in a few weeks. Days perhaps, depending on how fast he heals."

I feel a breath escape my chest, unexpected relief filling my body.

"Did you need to get checked out too? Are you expecting?"

It takes a second to realize the question is directed at me, and I'm instantly confused. I point to myself just to check, and when she cocks her head at me, pointing a finger at the pamphlet still in my hand, I finally catch the title.

Just Another Fairy Tail (18+) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now