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. . .

My father obviously did not have all of this figured out.

There's so much I still don't understand.

Does he honestly expect me to use my powers to hurt Kai? What the hell does Slate have to do with any of this? And why in the fuck was I kidnapped that one time!?

I don't voice my questions out loud, I simply sit in my room, where I was put after siccing that... that tree goblin on Slate.

I wonder where Karen is, if my father had her killed like he did with my mother. She's the only one absent in all of this.

Restless, I pace. My hands are chained, similarly to before, but rather than being on opposite sides of the room, they connect at one point above my bed, and cover my hands completely, like Elsa's shackles in Frozen.

I can't leave the room, and because I can't move my hands, I can't even try to get out of the cuffs.

I'm quite metaphorically fucked.

I sit on my bed, leg shaking as I try to force myself to sit still. My skin crawls as I inhale deeply and close my eyes, unwilling to pass out from hyperventilating.

The only sounds in the room are that of the rattling chains and my own heartbeat drumming in my ears as the door opens. 

I flinch, jumping back on the bed, when the white eyed woman from earlier rushes into the room.

She closes the door softly behind her and places a finger to her lips.

I eye her warily as she steps closer and I notice she holds a small black item in her hand.

A key.

"Your father didn't follow my instructions, that fucker," she grumbles, her unsurprisingly strong grip pulling me closer as she begins unlocking my shackles.

What the hell?

"He was supposed to be training you for this as soon as he got you. Now, he'll kill us all!"

I swallow the fear filled lump in my throat. "So, why are you doing this?"

She laughs, finally getting the first cuff unlocked. "'Rule number one of being an oracle, kid. World-ending crisis, know where to place your bets: on the winning t—"

She hasn't even got the second cuff unlocked when her blood spatters my face and an arrow protrudes from the back of her head.

I can't help my horrified gasp and subsequent hyperventilation. I watched my mother die. 

I shouldn't be this worried about the old woman's death.

But her blood is literally on my hands... and in my mouth.

Dragging my eyes from her body, I find Slate at the door, a hateful smile on his lips that pulls the skin around his scar tight.

He clicks his tongue and looks down at his crossbow.

"You're really costing me in the arrow department, sweets."

I can't help the tears that well up. Her intentions may not have been very noble when I first met her, but she was trying to be good, and now she's dead. "You're a monster," I screech.

Slate chuckles darkly, producing a roll of duct tape from behind his back. "Oh, I endeavor to be."

He pounces on me, and as much as I struggle, I'm no match for him. He gets a single ring of ductape around my midsection that plasters my arms to my body. From there, I try kicking him, but my legs quickly follow.

Soon, I'm covered in layer upon layer of duct tape, he even tapes my eyebrows and my hair.

"Ta-da," Slate says, placing an additional piece over my lips before he hauls me over his shoulder.

My wings, which he had no choice but to leave free flap with my discontent. On impulse, I cry out for my dad, causing Slate to laugh again. A nauseating sound.

Remembering that my father doesn't give a shit, I find myself trying to recreate what I did before.

It's not as easy as before since I don't have a clear image of the thing I want to move, and I find that I can't do anything at all.

Great. There's a limit on my ability to endow creatures with life.

My muffled screams fall on deaf ears as Slate walks us outside and then places me back into the backseat of the car with my father.

When Slate hops in the driver seat and takes off, my father looks up in confusion.

"Where is Thia?"

Slate shrugs, turning the car in such a way that it causes me to slide on the leather seats. "Dead. Tried to let her free."

Leo sighs, accepting this with no qualms whatsoever.

When did he become like this? Was he always like this? So callous? So unconcerned with the lives of other people?

Mom was killed at his behest, and now Thia, whose name I really would rather not have known, who was helping him, is also dead. And he just does not care.

I was only partly right earlier. 

Slate may be a monster, but so is Leo.

. . .

I write pretty much everything by hand and struggled to get this chapter out because of a monster headache that I've had since yesterday.☺Also, this chapter is shorter than I would have liked, and excuse any mistakes because my fucked sleep schedule caused me to think that today was yesterday.

Next update on Tuesday, remember to stay safe.♥

(Also, why did no one tell me I've been spelling remember wrong?)


Just Another Fairy Tail (18+) | ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ