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Kai suggests Netflix to relax me, but I decline in favor of a shower to rid myself of the sweat from try outs. Alone this time.

I grab some comfortable clothes, and make my way to the bathroom.

I let out a loud scream as I open the door, covering my mouth with my hand immediately after the sound escapes, dropping my clothes in the process. What the actual fuck?!

Kai rushes over and takes in a sharp breath as he takes in the sight of our bathroom.

The shower stall is completely shattered, it looks as though one of our bathmats has been partially flushed, or at the very least put in the toilet. There's what appears to be urine in the clogged sink, shower gel on every possible surface, and in true Black Swan Fashion, the word 'whore' is written in red lipstick on the mirror.

Kai mutters curses under his breath and wraps an arm around my waist, leading me away from what used to be our bathroom.

I'm sure my face gives away my complete and utter shock as we walk silently to our parent's offices.

My dad has gone home to be with my mother, but Kai's dad is still there, in his personal bedroom.

Seeing as this is a boarding school, the administrators do live on campus, but I know my mother and father get antsy when they're away from each other for too long.

It's positively adorable until they start old people humping... then I have to hide in my bedroom.

I fight the urge to shudder at the memory as Kai's father comes through a door in his office, wearing a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt, rather than his usual ill fitting suit.

He takes a seat and motions for us to do the same.

"What is the issue?" Mr. Silverman is the first to speak and is quickly answered by his son.

"Our bathroom was vandalized." Kai almost sounds like Heaven, with how concise he is.

Though most people would have seen this as being short, Mr. Silverman nods and the two share an intense look before he shakes his head and runs a hand through his sparse hairs. "This will be dealt with shortly. I'll send a clean up crew to fix your things and the two of you can replace your items when the bus arrives the day after tomorrow. In the meantime, you can stay in Leo's room."

Once again the two share one of those looks before Mr. Silverman's dark eyes flit to a green color, similar to Kai's. Immediately after, Kai shrinks back, but only slightly, and the two look away from one another.

Inwardly I am acutely aware of the oddness of the situation, but I don't comment on their interaction. Instead I choose to speak about my father's bedroom. "Uh... Mr. Silverman? Isn't there anywhere else we can sleep? I'm sure we can go to our old rooms?"

Sleeping with my boyfriend in my father's bed just seems so... taboo. Like a chapter of a crappy erotica.

Yet again, father and son lock eyes, but this time I wave my hand in front of Kai's face to break their stare.

He growls quietly, but makes no comment, simply grabs my wrist in his hand as his father gives his response.

"The rooms have been taken, Miss Gold." Without further elaboration, he stands up, and makes his way back into his bedroom.

I look to Kai, hoping for a shred of assisstance, but he looks as bored as his father usually does. "C'mon." He stands from his chair, and pulls me up with him. Together we walk back to our dorm room and begin packing bags for the night. I pout slightly as I realize I'll have to use that horrible excuse for soap directed toward men, but shake it off, it's just for one day.

Kai and I walk back into my father's office and then through a door similar to the one in Mr. Silverman's office.

It leads to a room, slightly larger than our dorm rooms, fitted with a bed and cable TV. There is one dresser, where I assume my father's pajamas are kept, and a large closet that is open to reveal multiple suits.

It's so him.

And that makes beeing in here so much worse. It's almost night time now, so I make my way to the shower, this time with no mess awaiting me inside.

Also this time, I'm accompanied by Kai.

I don't complain, though refusal rests on the tip of my tongue, the second he pushes his hands under my shirt and cups my breasts, all sense leaves my body.

"Let me take your mind off of it," he whispers. He slides down my back, tugging down my practice shorts and panties, placing a kiss on the backs of my knees as he does so.

It's so wrong, but right now I need it, and I'm pretty sure if I didn't the warmth pooling in my  belly would make it impossible to run away. So I let him.

. . .

We're cleared to go back to our room after Kai finishes practice the next day. Since the football players for some odd enough reason need an extra thirty minutes, I take the opportunity to watch Kai in all of his padded glory. The boys slam into each othe at a speed that has to cause them pain, but save for a few of the boys, most of them look as though they have never felt better.

I watch as Chev chest bumps one of the other boys, sending him flying about five feet. No one comments, and they laugh it off, continuing on as though a boy hasn't been pretty much tossed onto the sidelines.

"Dick watching? I don't think Kai will like that." I haven't been hiding, but Heaven's voice nearly sends me flying as I pop up from my seat with a 'yip.' She's on the bench a couple seats above me, accompanied by Max, whose nose is buried in her phone as it has been through most of the day.

"I'm watching him. I doubt he'll have a problem with it."

Heaven laughs, poking me with the scoop of her lacrosse stick. "I know. I'm just messing with you."

I bite back a giggle of my own, feeling the warmth of a blush heat my cheeks.

Heaven and I are somewhat friends. We don't hang out, nor do we talk very much, though I'd like to think that's more because of her personality than mine.

Together we actually do begin 'dick watching' as Heaven had once said, pointing out the specific features of certain boys and laughing at each other's observations.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Max's voice interrupts Heaven's laughter.

Certain she's talking to me, I slowly turn around. But the apology on my lips fades as I see the platinum blonde staring incredulously at the phone in her hand before promptly dropping it to the ground and stomping on it. Heaven sighs as though this is perfectly normal, as my eyes widen in shock. I've never seen Max do anything violent, but whoever she was texting seems to have brought it out in her.

Taking meditative breaths, Max plasters a smile on her face before turning to us. "Anybody wanna go shopping tomorrow?"

I nod, finally closing my mouth that had dropped open. "Yeah, sure. Kai and I have to get new things anyways."

Max's obviously faux happiness perks up even higher. "Perfect!" With that, she stands and pivots on her heel, sauntering away.

I gawp after her, worried about my friend's sudden bout of anger, but am soon forced to look away as my chin is in Kai's grasp. He smiles down at me, placing a kiss on my now puckered lips. "Let's go."


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