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Kai and I have been at this for hours, and it's nearing one a.m.

My back itches just above my wing, and I can't fucking reach it. Because of my wing.

Jesus Christ.

By the time midnight arrived, all of the underclassmen went to their rooms, so we're all alone with my wings out for reference. And we still have yet to come across anything that could teach me how to put them away.

I feel like a preteen boy with an erection that just won't quit.


I keep flipping through the books, looking for a sign of anything that looks or sounds like me, but keep coming up empty. 

Fairies have the same proportion of wings but they're all Tinkerbell sized. Pixies even tinier. And dragons are well... dragons. Though I do suppose I'm closer to them than all of the other ones with the way the skin of my wings is webbed rather than made of cuticle like the others.

Kai let's out a frustrated sigh, tossing away another book, this one titled 'Harpies.'


"There's nothing," Kai grumbles, rubbing at his tired eyes as he affirms the thought I just had.

I nod anyway. "Yeah."

Silently, and with much less enthusiasm then when we began, Kai and I begin putting the hoarde of books back on the shelves.

We're mostly done when my wings suddenly recede into my back, causing me to jump.

I freeze as the door opens, anticipating danger, or a stranger, or a dangerous stranger.

Kai doesn't look up, simply says, "It's okay, Becks. They're like me."

I whip around, finding Heaven and Chev, and ever in sync, my body and mind respond together. As I realize that this means that one of my close friends and her boyfriend are werewolves, my wings unfurl, giving an involuntary flap as though they're dusting themselves off, making themselves present and awaiting their reaction.

I can feel myself blushing as I stare at the pair with wide eyes, fearing their responses.

Chev gawps at me, his rumpled bed hair mussed on one side, and drool coating the left side of his collar. Heaven on the other hand looks at me like she looks at most things.

Like something to study.

She steps away from Chev, who although they had been gripping one another's hands tightly, lets her go with no resistance, and steps closer to me. She grabs my hand, yanks me away from the bookcase, and circles around me like one would a museum exhibit.

"Curiouser and curiouser," she breathes, mimicking the accents from Alice in Wonderland. "Not like anything my mom made me study. Should we call Max?" Her question is directed at Kai, but it's me who responds.

"Max is a werewolf too?!"

Kai winces, taking in a sharp breath through his teeth. "Yeah, a lot of the people you've met here are werewolves."

I nod, taking in his statement. "Wonderful. Perfectly peachy."

"Have you tried testing if you could do anything else? Or is this the whole shebang?" Heaven asks, coming to stand in front of me once more.

She pokes a finger in the direction of my wing, and instinctively I smack it away, blushing and taking a step backwards when she does nothing more than raise an inquiring eyebrow at me.

Just Another Fairy Tail (18+) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now